I'm becoming a bit peeved lately with N, I can understand them holding cards as far as release info, pricing , so on and so forth...but c'mon.
No Wii info yet - I can deal with it. Which means of course STILL no date for TP, cos it will reveal the Wii launch date. Specs still under wraps - fine.
Not being at the TGS....o   k  .....so are you doing spaceworld this year??????? I mean you've got Galaxy...perfect chance to do a Spaceworld....so why not just freaking announce it? And where's info on PH????? That is supposed to ship this fall aslo...why isn't that in any of those lists?
It is seeming that we will get nuttin...and then one day (one day :roll: ) we are going to get so much news we're going to explode. I'm tired of these little tastes - I want some meat already!
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