If I had to choose, I could live without the cube. I never owned a N64 until about 8 months ago when I started collecting games, but I was able to play all those great games at friends houses when I was younger and I have some great memories from them, as for the cube I've had one for about 3 years now and still only own a handful of games for it, just not a huge fan.
I Can's choose either i mean each brough some very good games which i quite franklly cam't do without, but i guess the gamecube had a smaller "awsome game library" so in that sense i would prefer the n64.
No. GC was not a failure IMO. I too have the limited edition 2 disc version of The Wind Waker (so I have OoT). I would go for the GC. Games like Metroid Prime, SSB and Fire Emblem are amazing. What really wins it over for me, and I know it isn't as revolutionary as Mario 64 was but, Sunshine is the most fun game I have ever played. Sunshine is the perfect platformer. I can't live without it! So I can't live without the GC. Even if OoT wasn't on the GC.
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