[QUOTE="lebanese_boy"]Let's not forget one thing bededog; Sony's online for the PS3 is much better then Nintendo's online service for the Wii .. why ? Because it's doing everything in similar to Xbox Live and not charging a thing for it.
I know Nintendo isn't fond in the idea of copying others but it surely woudn't hurt them to make a little effort.
I'm not really asking Nintendo to copy Live, but they do need more options, which them seem to be adhering to with Mario Kart's online battle mode. So hopefully they are learning some stuff.
Now that I think about it the one thing that really pisses me off about Nintendo's online is that they don't seem to take online seriously. They keep throwing us these joke online crap at us. Brawl, we don't even have a confimination of online play. E3 barely any online info, and the games we saw were sport games we already knew about. Not to mention Nintendo isn't supporting online development. EA did their own online since Nintendo was too slow to give them the proper tools. Nintendo has taken far to long to get online out, and what has come out isn't good enough for the wait. Seriously the launch online with Pokemon, a 5.5 game. Come on Nintendo, show us you actually care about online for once.
They don't, they don't care about online at all and this is so obvious. On top of that Reggie has the guts to tell us (at E3) that they're actually serious about the thing. Back in 2001 (or 2002), Hiroshi Yamaucha even said that gamers don't care about online, that was mainly to justify the Gamecube's lack of online.
I don't think Nintendo has changed too much since then, they've implemented online on both the DS and Wii so that they're console aren't seen as pieces of crap but they still don't give a crap about it.
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