First of all let me say that I am thrilled that Okami is coming to the Wii. I don't have a PS2 and it upset me that last year it was only released for the PS2 only to be overshadowed by higher profile games like FFXII, Guitar Hero II and Bully while all the time there were those ofus with original Xboxes and Gamecubes dying for something to play.
Despite closing clover studios, Capcom decided to give Okami another shot but putting it out for the Wii and hopefully this time, it will find the audience it deserves.
First of all, I have a lot of hope for this title despite being a port. We've seen thrid party companies take some games that could've been awesome on the Wii and do a half-assed job (Rockstar Table Tennis) but of all the third party developers making Wii games now, Capcom seems to get it. Not only did they make a port actually worth buying (RE4) but they made a great original game that used the controls well (Zack and Wiki) so hopefully Capcom will put the same care into Okami that they did into RE4 meaning great controls, additional content and hopefully a reasonable price ($30?). Another advantage Okami has is that no one can complain that the game will look dated because like "Wind Waker" it boasts a unique art style that is ageless.
For those of you who are mad that Okami is another port an not a sequel, think of this: Hopefully this game will sell well on the Wii and sales will garner a well deserved sequel.
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