Everyone likes to do top ten lists so I wanted to list my top ten favorite Gamecube games. Mind you this is MY preference. I also want to say you'll notice a particular AAA title missing: "Resident Evil 4" it's not that I thought the game was bad. I am a big coward so I avoided that one simply because it was too scary for me.
Ok here we go:
#10. Animal Crossing
This game is EVIL! No, it's not full of demons or anything but despite the cute exterior, it's easy to pass it off as a kid's game only once you play it, you realize that this game has sucked away your soul in that you have to play it every day because things are ever changing. The store gets new items or see who's visiting or what mail you got. And it's because of this, I have struggled to avoid the DS version and it's online play.
#9. Soul Caliber II
Normally, I'm not into fighting games but after seeing that cutesey Wind Waker Link, we all bought this one to get the Link we really wanted to see (before the TP announcement). Also anyone see the irony in that this was the best selling version of SCII and yet SCIII was a PS2 exclusive. Still as fighting games go, this was one of the best and had plenty of single player options to make the experience last.
#8. Mario Kart: Double Dash:
Often imitated, never duplicated, Mario Kart never fails to be fun and this time it brought in character specific cars, special character attacks, double the riders=double the items and my personal favorite: unlockables.
#7. Super Mario Sunshine:
This was the second Gamecube game I bought and despite good reviews, everyone complains that this title was bad. Aside from a few camera controls here and there, I loved this. Even more importantly for the first time you could ride Yoshi in 3D. What's funny is despite its criticism, it's still on most GC top ten lists.
#6. Metroid Prime:
It was strange that Samus was gone for so long no appearing on the N64 at all (except for SSB) and we all wondered if Samus would return but like Link and Mario she completed the holy Nintendo trinity by making a flawless transistion to 3D as an FPS. Honestly, I'm not that into shooters but I can get into Metroid. Maybe because Samus is a girl like me and she kicks butt.
#5. Starfox Adventures:
Before Rare ran off with the Xbox, they gave us their parting gift. This is another game that takes a lot of unfair criticism because it wasn't a "true Starfox game." But so what? It had great graphics, an engaging story and solid gameplay, not to mention a wicked twist at the end and I couldn't put this one down until I beat it. Also after the dissapointment that was "Starfox Assault" having a Starfox game that played more like Zelda isn't a bad thing. What's Rare given us since then? Their only good Xbox game was "Viva Pinata" and no one bought it. Thanks a lot Rare. (Sorry but the Rare/Xbox thing is like pouring salt on a wound for me. IT BURNS!)
#4. Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker
Like most ofyou, I wasn't thrilled when the cell shaded look was revealed. I was like WTF! But you know what? I got over that within the first five minutes of playing Wind Waker. Unlike Ocarina or TP, this game's look is ageless and the animation is so fluid, it's a visual feast for the eyes. Watching the ripples of the water and the seaguls fly and there's a wonderful story and delightful characters and I find myself torn between this one and Twighlight Princess as my favorite Zelda game. I haven't gotten Phantom Hourglass yet but hopefully I'll get it for Christmas and I can set to the seas again.
#3. Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door
After a couple years worth of parties and sports, Mario gave us another good adventure and I loved this game and I think it's very underated. Sure the world is made of Paper and there's no voice acting, but this game has one of Mario's deepest and darkest storyline's to date SPOILERSdealing with ancient demons, demonic possesion and Mario basicallystopping theapocolypse. Not to mention he negotiates with mobesters, slays dragons, wins an ultamite fighting tournament, gets shipwrecked on a desert island, stops a runaway train and fights aliens all in one game. Not to mention this game has moments where it's laugh out loud funny and full of great, quirky characters and great turn-based RPG gameplay.
#2. Legend of Zelda: Twighlight Princess
Good things come to those who wait...and boy did we wait and wait and wait for this darker, more realistic Zelda but it paid off for us. Though it wasn't as strong storywise as WW, it was much longer and full of sidequests and Link's wolf form added extra depth to the game.It's also gave Zelda, a nice "Lord of the Rings" epicness that feels right at home with this series. I only wish I had gotten to play this on the Wii, but I didn't have one at the time. Had I played the Wii version, this wouldn't have been on my list.
And #1. Super Smash Bros. Melee
Why was this my top pick? Because this was why I bought a Gamecube. Believe it or not, I had gotten out of gaming for about 5 or 6 years. I played some N64 at my cousins house from time to time but just got involved in other things and my parents never liked me playing video games but once I was in college and working and earning money I decided I wanted to get a game system again. For a while I volunteered at ayouth center that had the original SSB setup and was immediately hooked and at a place like that, there were always enough kids around for four player matches and then I saw this one with more characters, stages, a better single player mode and much more, I had to have it. With Brawl 100 days away, it makes me sad to think that it's going to make Melee look like nothing. Here's to you SSBM my #1 favorite GC game. Thanks for the memories.
I don't know about you, but this list was hard because there were lots of GC games I wanted to put on there like Sonic Adventure 2, Fire Emblem: Path of Raidiance and FF Crystal Chronicles. so what are your top ten favorite GC games of all time?
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