i wouldnt game if Nintendo didnt make gamesREVOLUTIONfreakMaybe you would because remember you would'nt know what nintedo games and consoles are like
sony would not have started making games and possibly sega. microsoft would just have pc games. console games would probably be nonexistent.wordtoyomamahmmm...actually i didnt think about that. If it werent for Nintendo's betrayal Sony would never have entered the market
the NES revived consloe gaming. without nintendo, video games would be the equivalent of playing D&D in the basement.nightclawYeah. Videogames were dying before Nintendo made the NES. If they didn't come along, then there wouldn't be anymore vidoegames. It's painful to think of that, but it's true.
If that happend I would have a PSP, Xbox, and be waiting for the PS3 but luckily there is Nintendo and I have a DS, Game Cube, and waiting for the Wii oh...wait all video games would have DIED!!! THINK ABOUT IT when if Nintendo never came the whole video game idea would have gone over a cliff with the Atari and Odyssy. So THANK YOU NINTENDO!!!!Â
we would still be in the stone ages and its hard to imagine a world without nintendo the creators of some of the greatest hand-held systems
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