Not earth shattering news about the Wii functionality...but the gameplay looked cool on the Wii. The speaker will be a nice touch on the wiimote.....*bow creaks pulling back arrow*
I am very pleased that it will appear in a Cube and Wii format....I bought my mom a cube just for Zelda. I plan on getting both copies...Cube first, since it may not be around as long as the Wii version....but anyways....
I was really happy to hear the confirmation that this is going to be the best Zelda ever! Nintendo has poured tons into this it's a launch for Wii and the best Zelda to date (I really believe them when they say that)....and it's looking sooooo freakin good!
Great things come to those who wait (uh, we didn't have a choice though). Nice to see a company devoted to a quality gaming experience.
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