isn't talking about chaining enemies here together. He is talking about chaining quickenings together. It is almost impossible to get more than 10 at the most. I can get 7 pretty much every time, which does huge damagefs_metalmy bad, my biggest quickening chain is 9
w00t! I got 18 ! ~~~EIGHTEEN~~~ :P I think the chances increases as you go higher up in levels. My 18-Chain was when all my characters were at around level 96, when i was trying to fight some irritating monster. :? Of course, it failed abyssmally.kinetic-corehaha, that's funny, an 18-chain and not helping you? sounds like Final Fantasy XII :P
What is a quickening chain anyway? :?Darmihow many times in a row you got different attacks from different characters when you start a quickening
What is a quickening chain anyway? :?Darmiokay, sorry Darmi. It's a form of "Limit Break" in FFXII. Each character has three different limits unique to its own. And, you can chain the limits together by pressing the right buttons at the right time. The higher the chain, the higher damage it does, provided the monster isn't immune to magick. :?
eek... he must have got strangely quick reactions. I can't do this :? My eyes and hands just dont...... i guess, i must have pressed R2 a lot of times, refreshning and refreshing and refreshing, i miss a lot of the buttons towards the end, as i got nervous lol.18 times
i saw person who can do 28 times
8 is my best. when i do quickenings i rarely have and buttons that appear i hold down r2 and still nothing comes up and when it does it comes at the last possible second so i ethor get like 1-2 most of time 2-4 some times and 6+ rarely. inless im doin somthin wrong. i just hold down r2 (if nothing is shown) and just mash the buttons :P
you even kept track of that! hmm... there could be some formula derived from this lol. I can't imagine i didn't use Mist Knack throughout my last 50 hours in the game! I learnt that MP is so precious in this game, that i'm gonna use Mist Knacks just for the sake of it looking good. I don't really want to lose MP this way. All my characters are near to level 65 now. Maybe i can make a larger combo this time. :Pnow updated to 21
12 lv1
6 lv2
3Â lv3
odd how they're all multiplied/divided by 2...
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