OK. This is the new hurt or heal game using the various different summons in Final Fantasy games (sorry if I didn't include 1 you wanted, but I already have 33 listed), I have gone through and specifically taken out certain summons (such as multiple bahamuts, less popular ones, tonberry, cactuar, chocobo, etc).
Must of you will know the rules, even so here they are.
You can do ANY two actions once per day, day start is after midnight in YOUR country:
Hurt a summon of choice, -4 HP to current HP. Heal a summon of choice for +2 HP to current HP.
Syntax of your message must be something like "<ACTION> <SUMMON NAME>, <ACTION> <SUMMON NAME>", or "<ACTION> <SUMMON NAME> x2"
Examples: "Hurt Alexander x2", or "Hurt Alexander, Heal Anima", or "Hurt Alexander, Hurt Anima", or "Heal Alexander, Heal Anima".
When a summon reaches 0 HP they will be put in the death list, and any actions towards them will not count as your turn for the day, and will not be taken into effect (you can't revive dead summons).
As you can see I doubled the values from the last game, or else this could last for about 2 months. Let's not kill all the good ones first this time :P This should be interesting anyway.
If you have any problems, do tell.
Summon        Health Points
Alexander        40 Anima            40 Asura            40 Bahamut          40 Bismarck         40 Brothers         40 Carbuncle        40 Cerberus         40 Diablos          40 Eden             40 Fenrir           40 Garuda           40 Gilgamesh        40 Hades            40 Ifrit            40 Ixion            40 Kujata           40 Leviathan        40 Magus Sisters    40 Mist             40 Odin             40 Pandemona        40 Pheonix          40 Quezacotl        40 Ramuh            40 Remora           40 Shiva            40 Siren            40 Titan            40 Typhoon          40 Unicorn          40 Valefor          40 Yojimbo          40
Edit: I have increased base HP from 30 to 40, as this increase in HP of 33% is because of the 100% increase in both hurt and heal (the game should still go faster even with more HP and summons).
If they say just one action I am assuming they mean x2
Hurt Brothers, Hurt Magus Sisters.
Summon        Health Points
Alexander        40 Anima            48 Asura            40 Bahamut          40 Bismarck         40 Brothers         32 Carbuncle        32 Cerberus         32 Diablos          40 Eden             40 Fenrir           40 Garuda           40 Gilgamesh        24 Hades            40 Ifrit            40 Ixion            40 Kujata           40 Leviathan        44 Magus Sisters    24 Mist             24 Odin             48 Pandemona        32 Pheonix          32 Quezacotl        40 Ramuh            40 Remora           40 Shiva            44 Siren            40 Titan            32 Typhoon          40 Unicorn          40 Valefor          32 Yojimbo          40
Alexander        40 Anima            40 Asura            40 Bahamut          40 Bismarck         40 Brothers         28 Carbuncle        24 Cerberus         32 Diablos          40 Eden             40 Fenrir           40 Garuda           40 Gilgamesh         8 Hades            40 Ifrit            40 Ixion            40 Kujata           40 Leviathan        46 Magus Sisters    20 Mist             16 Odin             48 Pandemona        32 Pheonix          32 Quezacotl        40 Ramuh            40 Remora           40 Shiva            44 Siren            40 Titan            32 Typhoon          40 Unicorn          40 Valefor          32 Yojimbo          36
Alexander        40 Anima            32 Asura            40 Bahamut          44 Bismarck         40 Brothers         24 Carbuncle         8 Cerberus         16 Diablos          40 Eden             40 Fenrir           40 Garuda           40 Hades            40 Ifrit            40 Ixion            40 Kujata           40 Leviathan        46 Magus Sisters    16 Mist              8 Odin             52 Pandemona        32 Pheonix          32 Quezacotl        40 Ramuh            40 Remora           40 Shiva            44 Siren            40 Titan            32 Typhoon          40 Unicorn          40 Valefor          24 Yojimbo          36
Summons Killed (In Descending Order)
#33: Gilgamesh     2 Jun 2006 19:14 [GMT] by TheOdinson
Hurt Shiva x2. I know you hate this stuff Pete, but honestly I just don't like Shiva and while I could kill Carbunkle for being worthless he is already so close to dead that I don't care.
[QUOTE="FinalHorror"]Just a question Thorpe, if i am gone for two days, can i post for thoose two days when i come back? Sorry, I can't allow this. This games about activity, otherwise other people might want to take out their next 3 posts in one action so they don't have to come here.
Edit: Oh, and TheOdinson, you don't know who I want to win, and just for your information, I like most summons as much as each other so I'm not fused with the order they go out :P
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