The following extracts describes this round's nominees:
Princess Ovelia Atkascha
Overlia is the said to be the princess of the Atkascha royal family, but her origins are not as simple as it sounds. She is the daughter of King Denamunda IV, half sister to the last sovereign of Ivalice. Princess Ovelia was adopted by King Omdolia after the death of his two sons, making Princess Ovelia the sole heir to the throne. A series of complicated events followed, resulting in her being entrusted to the care of Prince Larg, where she befriended Alma Beovule. Ovelia serves as an important person who sparked off the Lion War. Although it seems like she was the one that was crucial to the development of important events, she is in fact, the true victim of all.
[ Not easy to describe her complicated origins without spoilers, this is as much as i can describe her, i apologize]
Teta Hyral
Teta Hyral, is Delita's sister, and close friend to Alma beovule, despite family feuds between the Beovule's and Hyral's. Teta was also believed to be the one who resuced Delita from an explosion.
Alma Beovule [ Altima ]
Alma Beovule is the youngest child in the Beovule family. Born to Balbanes Beovule and is sister to two half-brothers, Dycedarg and Zalbag. She joins in the cause to uncover the conspiracy behind the Lion War, although she is extremely lacking of combat experience and training. Being a cheerful and optimistic, she is popular among her friends and relatives.
She is also "Altima", I won't tell you more about this one, for fear of spoilers.
Ritz Malheur [from Final Fantasy Tactics Advance]
Ritz malheur is a character from Final Fantasy Tactics Advance.
She is an outspoken, highly intelligent and at the same time, very stubborn. She is head of her class at school and cares for others and her academics. Ritz was born in the city of St. Ivalice, with a medical condition which causes lack of pigmentation in her hair, making it natually white. Used to be done by her mother, Ritz now has to do the dying of her hair by herself, preventing herself from being teased by others.
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