Ok folks, I am back again with a new game. Something alittle less intense than the Final Battle, something alittle more fun. Something called Pickpocket: A Game of Thieves. As you should have surmised this game has something to do with stealing, if not pickpocketing in particular, so let's get into it.
Pickpocket: A Game of Thieves pits up to 13 players against each other in a test of thieving skill. Each player must pick one of the 13 Thieves listed from among the FF games, and may not pick the same thief as another player, so it is first come first serve.
After each player has selected a character, and every subsequent round after that, 4 PMs will be sent to random players. Any player may recieve any number of PMs, and each will give that player a specific item. The items are; 1) The Wallet - The Wallet is the most important items, as it is worth the most money. If you start with the wallet it is only worth $1, however every time it is stolen that value increases by $1. 2) The Coin - The Coin is the only other item worth money, it is starts out being worth $1 and maintains tha value at all times. 3) The Lint - The Lint has no actual value, but it is more of a protective item. 4) The Lottery Ticket - The Lottery Ticket is a scratch off Lottery Ticket and is worth nothing without The Coin. If you have both the Lottery Ticket and the Coin you will then recieve a random amount of bonus money. Now, as you can see you could have a great number of items at one time and so there is a priority on how stealing works. Items are always stolen in this order 1) The Lint, 2) The Coin, 3) The Wallet, 4) The Lottery Ticket. This makes The Lint slightly more valuable than it seems, and makes getting both The Lottery Ticket and The Coin pretty challeging, and keeping the Coin even harder.
Each round will last for 24 hours starting 12:00:01am Pacific Time (GMT -08:00) and end at 12:00:00am Pacific Time of that same day. Please make sure you understand the time factor, it is very important. Each post you make will be time stamped for that day, and all actions will occur in the order they were posted, and so timing is everything. There will be 7 rounds, one full week. At the end the player with the most money is the winner. Prizes will be determined later, I am working on this, any suggestions would be appreciated.
Each player will be allowed 3 actions per day, any unused actions will be lost, any action beyond 3 will be ignored. Anyway, here is your rather bland list of thieves. If anyone wants to submit another character (be it an actual character or just a monster that steals things) feel free, I just don't feel like looking up all the monsters to find the ones that steal.
1.) Thief (FFI)
2.) Thief (FFIII)
3.) Edward "Edge" Geraldine (FFIV)
4.) Thief (FFV)
5.) Locke (FFVI)
6.) Yuffie (FFVII)
7.) Angelo (FFVIII)
8.) Zidane (FFIX)
9.) Rikku (FFX)
10.) Thief (FFXI)
11.) Thief (FFX-2)
12.) Thief (FFT)
13.) Thief (FFTA)
I hope everyone finds this intersting, once again a game I can't really play, but hopefully everyone can enjoy.
And here is the list of players
1.) Snowjo - Rikku (FFX)
2.) chaos_magician - Yuffie (FFVII)
3.) gman56 - Zidane (FFIX)
4.) zerroth101Â - Â Locke (FFVI)
5.) Spurs_Fan - Â Edward "Edge" Geraldine (FFIV)
6.) Am13roses - Thief (FFI)
7.) thorpe1988 -Â Thief (FFXI)
8.) RaiKageRyu - Angelo (FFVIII)
9.) STK3000 - Thief (FFTA)
10.)ChaosMinotaur - Thief (FFX-2)
These will be your random number assignements also so I can easily decide who gets messages. I hope everyone has fun.
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