If we're talking about handhelds, the DS and PSP come into our minds. First off, i can't stand the fact that there are so many FF titles slated for the DS, including FFXII's Revenant Wings. What.... they couldn't make something as beautiful as FFXII was on the PSP? That's why they had to use the DS to cover up that flaw? By actually making everything look like tiny little blobs on a cartoony 3-D environment.
The PSP is so much capable of doing so many good things. Seeing the Crisis Core trailer, we all know that SE is capable of maximizing the PSP's potential! But, it just isn't doing so. Sure.... the DS is good in its own way. But, i truly think that putting all future titles on the PSP sounds more practical. The DS will soon wear out its attrativeness.
This is the age of great graphics, great gameplay and great sound. The DS is just not capable of doing these things. Putting more FF titles on the DS is just making me think that SE is just trying to cook up as many titles in as little time as possible. It's just not spending enough effort and investment on the FF brand itself anymore.
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