Well I prefer say Auron to any of the main characters. I don't want them to be flirty like Tidus and Zidane, and I don't want them to be depressed and/or crazy like Squall and Cloud. They should just be cool.Darmi
Cloud and Squall are the most popular characters as far as male characters from different FF games go. Cloud is in a lot of ways like me. I can connect with him more than I could some stupid "cool" guy. I have been turned down for numerous things. I have tried to prove I coud be a strong man, but never really fully succeeded. But, whenever I do care for someone, something happens to them. I can really connect with the strong silent types than with the popular guys.
Popular that is "cool" people always put the little man down and then something happens to the little man and he is hurt in some way. They only care for themselves and would never put themselves in danger for someone else. Cloud, though a jerk at the begining off FFVII, becomes the hero everyone loves. He finds redemption in the end.
Not one person understands what certain qualities could mean fro the series. If they do cool guys, the "coolness" could become a problem and make FF "just another RPG."
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