Hurt/Heal Game- Part 1.
1 Per day action post.
Hurt or Heal within your race. Shinigami hurt/heal Shinigami and so on
HP 34.
Hurt x3
Heal x2
1 Bankai or 1 Ressurection or 1 Vizard Mask Release- Hurt X9
Unohana healing- Heal X8
Captain Yamamoto- 34 HP
Captain Soi Fon- 34 HP
Captain Gin- 34 HP
Renji- 34 HP
Rangiku- 34 HP
Ikkaku- 34 HP
Captain Mayuri- 34 HP
Ryusei- 34 HP
Captain Ukitake- 34 HP
Kaien- 34 HP
Sentaro- 34 HP
Amagai- 34 HP
Kisuke- 34 HP
Risa- 34 HP
Hiyori- 34 HP
Rose- 34 HP
Love- 34 HP
Stark- 34 HP
Halibel- 34 HP
Barrigan- 34 HP
Ulquiorra- 34 HP
Grimmjow- 34 HP
*Note* Contest will start 1 PM PT, 2 PM MT, 3 PM CT, and 4 PM.
Warning!- Use your bankai wisely. Or this will end up as Contest 4 Part 1. If some of you remember, it was getting close to have 3 teams with one team having all five members together. So. Just to tell you. Use Bankai and Unohana healing wisely or it will end up like Contest 4 Part 1.
This thread will be unlock soon. So be prepared and telegrams will be sent before the contest start. Also. Only people that are in the contest can only play. If I see somebody that did not join the contest and playing. I lower your points in your squad. Meaning. IF you have 0 pts. I going lower it to -10 pts. Is that clear? Good.
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