Final Round!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Reading cards
On your card you see a heart, a bottle and a butterfly.
- Heart = The maximum health points (HP) you have when you start your battle. (Note. When you transform, it doesn't mean you get all your HP back because it says 40)
- Bottle = Means how many times you can use "Heal", which is 5 times. 1 Heal is +3 HP and cost 1 turn
- Butterfly = How many different forms you have. All 1 card users have "1" in their card because "normal" is considered as "1 form"
To understand the rules you need to know which moves are called "Move 1", "Move 2", etc.
For 1 card users:
If you look at your card, count from top to bottom the moves you have. Each move ends with (#DMG). In Ashido's case:
- Move 1: Freezing Grasp (2DMG)
- Move 2: Spiraling Twin Drill Bombs (3DMG)
- Move 3: Falling stars (4DMG)
- Move 4: Judgement (6DMG)Â
For 2 cards users:
On EACH card, count from top to bottom. Again, each move ends with (#DMG). Except the last move on the 2nd card. The last move on the 2nd card = Move 4! In Yamamoto-taicho case:
1rst card:
- Move 1: Ryujin jakka slash (1DMG)
- Move 2: Raging Spiritual Pressure (4DMG)
- Move 3: Everything turn to ash: Ryujin jakka (5DMG)
2nd card:
- Move 1: Heat wave (3DMG)
- Move 2: Volcanic burst (4DMG)
- Move 4: Fire tornado (6DMG)
NOTE. All green cards are considered the 1rst card.
Card info diagram explanation
If you look at the diagram, you will see information about both 1 card and 2 card users. As you can see it refers to "Move 1", "Move 2", etc. Which is explained above. The only thing you need to do is fill in your moves on the right spot in the diagram and you will see if there are any penalties on that move.
- All "Move 1" and "Move 2" are unlimited in use, you can use these as often as you like. But remember, "Move 2" does 1 damage to yourself(-1DMG)!
- "Move 3" can only be used 7 times and does 2 damage (-2DMG) to yourself.
- The last move, "Move 4", is called "Final" and can only be used 5 times with NO damage to yourself.
(Follow the diagram! Seriously, you should. You can't get the cards explained clearer than this!)
In Ashido's case. He's an 1 card user, which means he only need to fill in the part of the "1 card character":
- Move 1: Freezing Grasp (2DMG) = no penalty, unlimited use
- Move 2: Spiraling Twin Drill Bombs (3DMG) = -1dmg yourself, unlimited use
- Move 3: Falling stars (4DMG)= -2dmg yourself, only use 7x
- Move 4: Judgement (6DMG)(Final)= can only use 5x
Normal (1rst card)
- Move 1: Ryujin jakka slash (1DMG) = no penalty, unlimited use
- Move 2: Raging Spiritual Pressure (4DMG) = -1dmg yourself, unlimited use
- Move 3: Everything turn to ash: Ryujin jakka (5DMG)= -2dmg yourself, only use 7x
Transform to 2nd card (cost 1 turn)
- Move 1: Heat wave (3DMG) = no penalty, unlimited use
- Move 2: Volcanic burst (4DMG) = -1dmg yourself, unlimited use
- Move 4: Fire tornado (6DMG)(Final)= can only use 5x
1 card characterNormal
- Move 1 = no penalty, unlimited use
- Move 2 = -1dmg yourself, unlimited use
- Move 3 = -2dmg yourself, only use 7x
- Move 4 (Final)= can only use 5x
2 card character
- Move 1 = no penalty, unlimited use
- Move 2 = -1dmg yourself, unlimited use
- Move 3 = -2dmg yourself, only use 7x
Transformed (Cost 1 turn)
- Move 1 = no penalty, unlimited use
- Move 2 = -1dmg yourself, unlimited use
- Move 4 (Final)= can only use 5xCard Info
This Contest is a turn-based game. Which means it's your turn when one member of your opponent's team has posted a move/heal/transform. It doesn't matter WHO of your teammembers make a move, aslong your team don't double post!
There is a time-limit on how long your turn last, which is set to 24 hours (time on when last move was made). If no one has made a move yet in that time, someone on your team or an outsider have to take over and make a move. But that's ONLY when your team is down to the last member alive or have inactive members.
We know that we all live somewhere else (timezone), work to do, homework, etc. So at some point, it is possible that your teammates play further while you are off somewhere. WE DON'T HAVE ANY CONTROL OVER THAT! It happens and there is absolutely nothing you can do about that. All I can say is, try and keep in touch with each other by PM.
Transformation (Ability for 2 cards only!)
When you transform you lose 1 turn. Also, you need to be below a certain amount of HP, before you can transform.
- Shinigami (Shikai/Bankai/Shunko) = 33 HP or lower
- Espada (Resurrection) = 30 HP or lower
- Vizard (Vizard) = 27 HP or lower
It is not said you HAVE to transform. You can stay in "Normal" form if you like, that is up to you.
1 Card / 2 Card (dis)advantage
Yes, as you can see both 1 card users and 2 card users has advantages and disadvantages. It's up to you to use this knowledge well and use it against your opponent. Also the reason for this game to have 1 card and 2 card users is to give the game more variety to it.
Super Combo Partner System
The "3" Group Character or whole group Super Combo Hit is worth 6 damage.
The "2" Group Character Super Combo Hit is worth 3 damage.
How to make a move?
When you make a move you post your own card then type what move you going to use, inlcuding if it has any damage to yourself. like this:
Freezing Grasp (2dmg)
Or if you using 2nd move
Spiraling Twin Drill Bombs (3dmg/-1dmg)
If you going to tramsform set your post up like this:
If you decide to heal yourself set your post up like this:
Heal (+3dmg/1rst heal used)
If you decide to use a move that is limited in use you also have to add the amount you already have used.
Faling stars (4DMG/-2dgm, 2nd 3rd move used)
Or you are using you Final move
Fire Tornado (6dmg, 4th final used)Â
Uh. I will setup a thread of questions. The thread probably the voting thread. So post there. And Yoruichi and I answer your questions. Only Yoruichi and I will answer the questions. If another person answer a question and they not Yoruichi or me, I will take you to back you going be like Old Yeller. Joking with you. All I'm going do is lower your squad points. Because if you notice. We already started the points. 6th Squad, 8th Squad, and 10th Squad have points already along with 1st Squad, 6th Squad, and 7th Squad with that guessing what manga chapter it is game.
The order of playing is:
1.Team Risa
2.Team Halibel
3.Team Rangiku
Also make sure you tell your teammates the order of attacking, and if you don't I will put a invaild move for that team and take off points for that squad that you are in. I don't care if you in my squad, I will take points off my squad if that happens.
Good Luck. Oh
Yoruichi. Soon. Make cards for the revenge tournament and do that around December. Meaning my cards. Kisuke here going on killing spree when I get done that tournament. Just hope my parnter knows what he doing. Wait. He does.
*looks at the shadows and grins*
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