Arrancar and Vaizards are capable of controlling their urges. They regain proper concious thought (instead of a mockery of it) in exchange for their shinigami side.
Hollows are pretty much bundles of rage and violence. They are RUN by their darker urges. That said. They are little better than animals, while in that state. To regain their full sentience they must first convert to the vaizard/arrancar thing.
Perhaps they'd convert some to arrancar. Perhaps they would have both arrancar AND vaizard in their group? After all, any arrancar who survived, would be surrounded by mindless hungry beasts in hueco mundo, perhaps they'd be happier to be ammong other "full" sentients.
Also, I just realized something. Shinigami often times try to view things in "black and white". While the vaizard have been pretty much FORCED to fully realize the grey areas. That said. They might accept ANY outcast who was given the boot by shinigami...provided they can be managed and worked with. Including shinigami who saw the bs and quit. :O
Here's some food for thought. :) Keep it up, this discussion is good.
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