I don't know if any of you know what this game is, but if you like games like The Sims, search it on youtube. It looks awesome! But I guess it'd only be for the creative type of person lol. I've been looking in on this game since like...Last year, when Jordan mentioned it I think. It's come so far already. The creature creator, which is basically the most popular and hyped up feature for the game, comes out on the 17th. You can download it from www.spore.com, but it's only got 25% of the games content on it. Or you can pay $10 to get the full creature creator that's going to be released on the retail version of the game and get it from... Well I'm not sure where in the US but basically any store that sells games. I know Wal-Mart gets it on the 19th.
Just a random question, Wal-Mart's just like a department store yeah? We don't have them over here that's all lol.
But yeah, I don't think the full version is coming out in australia for $10. So I'm going to download the one off the site, and then wait for the full version to be uploaded somewhere and I'll *cough* download it from there *cough* Lol.
So I reccomend that everyone goes on Youtube as soon as they've read this topic, and search for as many Spore videos as you can, 'cause it looks ammmmmazing. Ok, I'm done =] Lol.
Oh and one last thing, It for PC. But will probably be released for all platforms eventually. The good thing is you don't need the greatest PC in the world to play it. Basically, if you can play The Sims 2 on your computer, then Spore should run fine.
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