Is there even any question here? Adult Link of course.
Not only can he use all the best items, but the fact that he is older makes him stronger by default. Not much of a competition if you ask me. :?
well what u all seem to miss is that waht game and skills do they have can young like parry adult links moves?
it really all depends on how they figt of its a battle no hols bar with just the weponds in there inventory them i would have to say that it would depend again like if wind waker link faced OoT adult link then he would win right Magic Armour?
but if OoT link faces OoT link adult then he would whopp his A** so fast that navis head would spin and then if it was a battle of swords then the childern would play and win cuz there is the gulided sword and the wicked glowing master sword in wind waker plus in wind waker link can parry so he would rule but OoT link would loose i mean come on the koroki sword that things almost as bad as the giantsknife......almost.
Zelda 4 Eva
It actually would eather be kid link wins or both lose. If kid link dies then adult link dies. duh. But if adult link dies kid link wins and dies 7 years later. lol. so... I guess that means they both die no matter what but kid link dies later.
It actually would eather be kid link wins or both lose. If kid link dies then adult link dies. duh. But if adult link dies kid link wins and dies 7 years later. lol. so... I guess that means they both die no matter what but kid link dies later.
you really can't think about it as if the young one dies then the old one dies.............but think about it.....take yourself right now and think would I be able to beat myself 7 years ago.......i know i would have been able to.
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