Just wondering do we all agree that Zelda: Ocarina of Time is the best Zelda game?Droco3i have to agree with you.
Just wondering do we all agree that Zelda: Ocarina of Time is the best Zelda game?Droco3Damn straight homie!
My second favorite has to be ALttP, but I really liked the others too. Majora's Mask is judged too quickly, and people don't give the time to sit down and play the game. It's a great, fun, and challenging game. I also must say that the Heart Pieces in MM are the hardest to get out of any of the Zelda games.nazguldragon15I agree. Also getting the Couple's Mask is one of the hardest things in a game ever.
i think oot is still gong to be teh bestLOZlinkOcarian of Time is the best game period in my opinion. However, I do think Twilight Princess will be better. First off the game is longer. 70+ hours of gameplay and more dungeons than OoT. Also the mounted combat is going to be one of (if not the best) addition to the Zelda gameplay. New weapons are getting upgrades. The new Wolf Link aspect is intriguing. Also the sheer size of the game world looks ginormous. Look at the screen of Link in the village. New weather aspects like snow, lighting, and rain. Fully orchestrated soundtrack.
Stupid New Message button is busted.
I had the most fun with Majora's Mask - Oracle of Seasons - Windwaker THEN OoT. I would say Four Swords (GC) and Minish Cap would be up in there if they were harder.
Is everyone just pretending the gameboy never happened? Didnt anyone else think ANY of the Gameboy Z's were more fun than some 3d ones? Oracle of Seasons had a great season-changing concept, Subrosians rule, Moosh rules and the dungeons actually had decent puzzles. And so much trading items throughout the world. Except for Minish Cap and Four Swords, the 2d ones are always way more fun to figure stuff out it.
For the most part, maybe even espescially in OoT, the 3d Zeldas were WAY too easy. Majora's Mask was the only decently hard one. I hope TP is more difficult. The biggest thing the 3ds have over the gameboys are way better music.
Link's Awakening is the best handheld Zelda IMOIs everyone just pretending the gameboy never happened? Didnt anyone else think ANY of the Gameboy Z's were more fun than some 3d ones? Oracle of Seasons had a great season-changing concept, Subrosians rule, Moosh rules and the dungeons actually had decent puzzles. And so much trading items throughout the world. Except for Minish Cap and Four Swords, the 2d ones are always way more fun to figure stuff out it.
For the most part, maybe even espescially in OoT, the 3d Zeldas were WAY too easy. Majora's Mask was the only decently hard one. I hope TP is more difficult. The biggest thing the 3ds have over the gameboys are way better music.
Link's Awakening is the best handheld Zelda IMOIkeXC07
I have to agree with you there, but then again....it didn't have much competition.
In general how did people like Minish Cap? It was REALLY easy, but still totally had the Zelda feel which I always worry about when a new one comes out (even though capcom has shown they can handle it).
Yeah, Link's Awakening was so awsome, but I think Oracle of Seasons has it down or the GBC. Magnetic Gloves were sick for puzzles, and the Magical Boomerang, Hyper Slingshot, um oh man Roc's Cape. And Ages was too, like typical. Changing seasons is awsome but travelling through two different places, hmmmm don't get too creative there capcom. Might as well have had a mirror, or the pedastal of time, or an ocarina. Though I give the Switchhook and Ancient Tomb A+s.
minish cap eh i like playing itIn general how did people like Minish Cap? It was REALLY easy, but still totally had the Zelda feel which I always worry about when a new one comes out (even though capcom has shown they can handle it).
Yeah, Link's Awakening was so awsome, but I think Oracle of Seasons has it down or the GBC. Magnetic Gloves were sick for puzzles, and the Magical Boomerang, Hyper Slingshot, um oh man Roc's Cape. And Ages was too, like typical. Changing seasons is awsome but travelling through two different places, hmmmm don't get too creative there capcom. Might as well have had a mirror, or the pedastal of time, or an ocarina. Though I give the Switchhook and Ancient Tomb A+s.
but the ds is where its at mang! ANY NEW INFO ON ZELDA DS?
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