like when.... [spoiler] ganondorf was standing up from the chair [/spoiler] that was a little to much.... there was another one but i can't remember what it was....
Ya, I agree. If you listen to Ganon's music in OoT, it sounds like only 3 or 4 instruments. In TP, it's like, BAMM!! all these freakin instruments and really loud. Other pieces I thought were dramatic were Hyrule Field on Epona, Ilia's Theme song and when you try and find those cats in the Hidden Village. But that's what seperates TP from OoT. Not saying TP is better, but TP definitley has an advantage over OoT.
like when.... [spoiler] ganondorf was standing up from the chair [/spoiler] that was a little to much.... there was another one but i can't remember what it was....kirby2198
Well, they only added the music for effect. And come on, it also made the cutscene really cool. I'd go with a bit dramatic since there are some crazy cutscenes out there :lol:
Actually I just thought of something. The "really" dramtic music only plays during a cutscene. The "not-so" dramatic music would playing during a fight against enimies on horseback. Other "a-bit-of" dramatic music would play during a battle with a mini-boss or a boss. So when you say "Is the music in Twilight Princess dramatic?" you're actually basing your anwser on all the different types of dramatic :shock:
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