It was late last night and I was sailing around WW. I came across Greatfish Island, for those who do not know or have forgotten, it was said to be the place where Jabun resided until Ganon returned and destroyed the Island, leaving it (literally) in peices, forcing Jabun to leave for Outset. A thought struck me while wandering/swimming around what was left of it, why wasn't this Island included to have a dungeon. I mean out of all the Islands in WW this one has to be the gloomiest and most atmospheric. It would have been the perfect setting for a dungeon. Jabun couldve been the sage and your prize for freeing him from Ganon's power coulda been the Pearl. Also the item you obtained in the dungeon could of been the bombs, this would essentially rid the game of the extremely long mini-quest, sail from Greatfish to Windfall, then to Outset (which is the other side of the map). Now every time I see Greatfish Island I feel a great sadness that it was not used (IMO) to its full potential. Does anyone else feel this way? Maybe it's just me....
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