Link has always been a great fighter (inferior to many)
He's not the fastest or the strongest fact if you saw him for the first time you would be laughing your ass off think he could fight let alone save the world in a SKIRT! lol I'm starting to lose respect for him now. But if you ever saw him fight a boss you'd change your mind he's not just an elf with a sword and a shield. He uses a cornucopia of weapons ex. bombs, bow and arrow, hammer, etc. In the hands of an expert link is an unstoppable powerhouse able to take 50 enemies stronger than him at one time.
Now i take you to wikipedia where they have writtin a do I say? sub-article on link and his sword techniques enjoy!
Sword techniquesLink’s oldest special sword-fighting technique is the ability to shoot beams of energy from his sword—the exact nature of the beams remains obscure, though it has been referred to as “throwing his sword”. This allows him to hit opponents from great distances, but often with less power than a direct strike. In most Zelda games, Link must have full health (measured by a meter with red, usually heart-shaped units which empty as he takes damage) to perform this move, although in the Oracle games, he can wear Rings that enable him to shoot the beams with one or even two hearts missing. In The Legend of Zelda and The Adventure of Link, Link’s first sword has the ability to shoot beams at full health. In subsequent 2D games, Link usually had to acquire a more powerful sword to perform the technique. Majora’s Mask changed the technique slightly by requiring him to don the Fierce Deity’s Mask, which then consumed magic to perform the beam technique. In The Minish Cap, the ability was taught to Link by one of the Blade Brothers, and he could also learn to perform the technique when he had just one heart. In the animated TV series, Link and all other characters fight solely by shooting beams from one weapon or another. These only induce pain in people, but warp Link’s enemies back into Ganon’s “evil jar”.
The other 3D games in the Zelda series do not feature the sword beam technique, although it was intended to be implemented in Ocarina of Time, as shown in a picture on Nintendo’s official website during the development process.
Another of Link’s signature moves is the spin attack, also known as whirling blade or spinning slash, during which he executes a full 360° (or more) rotation with his sword drawn; this can damage several of his opponents at once and is usually more powerful than an ordinary strike. Although the visual representation of this attack varies throughout the series — performing a spin attack usually causes Link’s sword to light up and other related visual effects — the technique itself is present in every Legend of Zelda game beginning with A Link to the Past. From Ocarina of Time on, this attack can be executed instantly by rotating the analog stick in a full circle and pressing the sword button. Charging the blade takes time and magic but will result in a stronger and wider attack. In The Wind Waker and The Minish Cap, after Link learns a special technique, he can charge power longer to spin for an extended period (rather than a single rotation) when he uses his spin attack. Sometimes known as the “Hurricane Blade”, this technique was also present in the Game Boy Advance re-release of A Link to the Past, and it was usable in the Gamecube release of Soul Calibur 2, which featured Link as a playable character, and in both Super Smash Bros. games.
Occasionally, Link also possesses the “up thrust” and “down thrust” techniques, which are used to strike at enemies above or below Link while he is jumping. The down thrust move is also known as the “sword plant” technique, as it ends with Link planting the sword point down in either his adversary or the ground. These moves are found in The Adventure of Link, Super Smash Bros., Super Smash Bros. Melee, and Soul Calibur 2. The down thrust is featured in The Wind Waker as a parry technique usable only against Magtail and Floor Master enemies, as well as in The Minish Cap, but as a move Link needs to learn from one of the Blade Brothers. In Twilight Princess the sword plant serves as a finishing move Link can use on a downed enemy.
Parrying, introduced in The Wind Waker, is a new technique for Link to perform; if the player hits the action button just before being hit by an enemy, Link will dodge the attack and counter it, either by rolling behind his opponents or jumping over them and slashing them from behind. The third parry, mentioned above, is the rare down thrust. Link learns this technique from the old warrior and fisherman, Orca, in his home village on Outset Island.
Well union what have we learned if nothing else?
Link don't play dat!
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