Link the hero of time" the best of the best". He is fast, strong, and he has unlimited courage but he will fight one hero that beated the greatest evil there is(Sephiroth). Cloud is a soldier that has no fear and he will go to battle against anyone even dough he doubts his own skills. Who will win this battle? Mi answer is... depending on you who are reading this. I want to write my answer on the opinions of your answers to my questions. This forum will be to in the Final Fantasy VII Uninion. I will have my answer in Nov. 8 2005. Please write your heart out. 1. Who will win? 2. How he will win? 3. Why is he stronger? 4.Are you sure of your answer? ( to answer these questions you have to know about Link and Cloud)kevinlopez     1 link 2 spin slash 3the power of the tri force 4 pretty much
2.Light Arrows would do an instant kill and one bottle of Grandma's soup (two servings) and 3 fairy bottles just in case and for more power.
3.He is more skilled in using equipment and has the power of the Master Sword and Triforce. Though he can't use magic he still has light arrows that even killed Ganandorf.
4.Hell Yeah!
1. Link
2. A combonation of magical weapons, such as light, ice, and fire arrows, Din's Fire, Nayru's Love, Mirror Shield, Master Sword, other physical weapons, and the power of the Triforce of Courage make Link an incredibly tough opponent.
3. He is stronger because of his massive arsenal and the ability to repel Clouds sword blows and magic spells.
4. I am very confident because even though each has fought the most pwerful evil of their realm Link has the edge because of his ability to adapt and the use of some defensive weaponry.
1) Link
2) Light arrow for the stun, then the sword slash
3) Link I feel is just stronger, i mean he is the Hero of Time, can't mess with that.
4) Link just always finds a way to win. With the Tri-Force of Courage at his use, there isn't much he can't do. Plus if Cloud truly doubts his own skill he will hesitate and that will be the end. Every great fighter will tell you hesitation is a fighters worse enemy. That slit second is the difference maker. Close fight but the win goes to Link.
CLoud he can use a bunch of spells and if he loses hell come back even stronger!
Except if he was dead, and Bombos would kill him. Even Ether and the hammer would. Let's say Cloud hits first with a killing move, damage is halved and then Link could attack. (remember his damage reduction) To keep it as easy as possible, there shouldnt be items. How many times have I said all this...
And versus topics are flawed, there is no way to prove it and bias tips it in whatever direction. Certain Links will lose, the ALttP/LA one and OoT/MM one should win.
[QUOTE="imnotwhite"]CLoud he can use a bunch of spells and if he loses hell come back even stronger!
Except if he was dead, and Bombos would kill him. Even Ether and the hammer would. Let's say Cloud hits first with a killing move, damage is halved and then Link could attack. (remember his damage reduction) To keep it as easy as possible, there shouldnt be items. How many times have I said all this...
And versus topics are flawed, there is no way to prove it and bias tips it in whatever direction. Certain Links will lose, the ALttP/LA one and OoT/MM one should win.
what is nintendo and square made a fighting game?
zelda vs. AERITH
yuffie vs. sheik
red XVIII vs. Epona
anyway Link and cloud we'd have to see a cg animated battle to know who would win!
anyway Link and cloud we'd have to see a cg animated battle to know who would win!
yeah its about time we do see some CG cut scenes in LOZ games
Link would win
How link would win is pretty simple. Whatever cloud unleashed at Link, Link can reflect with his awsome Mirror shield. Yes the battle will take about a billion years till it ends because they both are just awsome characters but in the end Link will triumph. Link has a lot of swift sword moves and with the strength of the Master Blade he would out maneuver Cloud
Why will he win...because he is the hero of all heros No doubt about that.
I am most definitely positive with this answer. I have been a fan of Link since the age of 5
Link will win.
He can attack much faster and Cloud would be really confused wondering why link isn't waiting his turn to attack. They would be fighting for a while until Link gets a tad bored whips out his light arrows charges em up then unleashes a flurry of em in clouds face!!!! Muahahahaha cloud dead.
Also if link dies then his faithful fairy-in-bottle will revive him. Cloud would not know what hit him:D
Geez link has the master sword and the mirror sheild, he will win!!!!
Havent you heard no iteams
And also in a fight with link scrath the who atp waiting system it would just be a fight i say if it was in real time link would have be able to defeat any summon that is thrown his way Cloud uses magic like fire or Bolt Link has the mirror shield but if its one on one with the sword link would come out on top mainly because he is more skilled in the sword it being his main wepon apart from just slash he would have the charage sping etc so Link may come out on top i say may because you can never underestimate an oppent cause they stat up fairly equal both beat an enemy with a killer sowrg and that has emense power
1 - Cloud
2 - Summon Bahamut
3 - They both equil in sword skills
4 - Although I love LINK.... these 2 characters are very different and Cloud has more Magical skills to his advantage.
Link also has Magic powers, like the arrows, spin attack( hurrican spin) and din's fire
I am a massive zelda fan, but I have played final fantasy 7 all the way through and you seem to be forgetting two very important things. Yes, link does have a spin attack, but cloud has omni-slash ( much better ) Also, link might have the fairy power, but what can beat the Knights of the Round!!! It would seem that Cloud is one hundred times more powerful than link!!!
2.Knights of the round
3.Look at the array of weapons he has and also the strength from the giant sword!!!
4. Completely and utterly
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