What is required if you wish to be an officer (much of this is similar to the previous application):
- Activity: The officers must first and foremost be active in the Union. They are the ones who keep this running, who make the boards run smoothly, who post news stories, write articles, etc... If you want to be an officer (or ARE an officer for that matter) I expect you to be active in the boards and participate in the union. As Mister_Slice put it, "I do expect you to check these message boards at least daily. The Officers should be the ones who spend the most time here, not the members."
- Involvement: This basically means that you will be involved in the decisions we officers make in the Legend of Zelda Union. We need to act as a committee and our decisions need to be made together. Again, as Mister_Slice said, "If I PM all of the Officers asking for feedback, I expect a response from ALL of the Officers. I don't want this to be the kind of place where I make all of the decisions."
- Spelling and Grammar: If you wish to be an officer you must have good grammatical skills. At the very least use the spell check button. Posts must be clear and understandable, especially on the front page.
- Passion: This one comes straight from Mister_Slice, "You truly need to have a passion for The Legend of Zelda to be an Officer. I know that most of you do, but it is essential. We are the ones who should be searching the Internet and browsing every online and offline magazine looking for Zelda news on a daily basis. The responsibility of keeping interesting articles posted on the main page lies with the Officers. If you don't want this Union to be your #1 online message board priority, don't apply."
That's what we are looking for. Now to the application:
How old are you?
What Legend of Zelda games have you played?
Why do you want to be an Officer?
Are you a Mod/Officer of any other message board or Union?
What unique skill/specialty can you bring to the Legend of Zelda Union as an Officer?
How much time do you spend online posting on message boards each week (estimate)?
What is your favorite Legend of Zelda game and why?
What are your other major hobbies/obsessions/fandoms?
Have fun with the application, be creative, and let us know why you want to be an Officer here.
Keep this thread strictly for Officer Applications and nothing else (unless you are one of the old applicants and would like a copy of your old application [see below]).
We also have the old applications of (in no particular order) Legend_O_Dragon, Wenolas, Sizzletop, and Litchie. If you want your applications re-posted here, you must reply to this thread and I will PM you a copy of your old application which you can post. I will not re-submit your application if you are not active enough, or desire this position enough to find this thread.
This thread will remain opened and stickied until Monday around 6 or 7 pm Eastern (EST) time at which time the current officers will select another officer. Good luck everyone!
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