Alright here is where you can request or show of a signature. All you have to do is the following:
What you want it to say:
What color you want(if it matters):
What size you want:
What you want it to contain:
Who you want to make it from the sig team:
The sig team will promise to take any request you submit. Our friendly and talented team includes:
-Jimmydude(does tags only)
To be added, ask an officer or our Leader. First you have to show off your work and then one of us will add you. Other officers, feel free to edit the sig team at any time. Well that basiclly sums this up. Just remember to keep it friendly and follow the rules. Also, feel free to ask what your sig is rated and if you have any questions, we will be delighted to answer them. Finally, if you want to see one of the sig teams personel's work, just request to see something.
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