- 1st post Latest Update: Reluctantly added LilBBallPro619's Friend Code.
- 2nd post Latest Update: Decided how to run HOF. Still taking suggestions!
Put down your sword and take out that Mario cap! Here we can talk about the game, give helpful hints and tips or set up matches against your GS friends. We also can bond with our fellow members.
One important deal is the Friend code system. If you guys would like to take part in matches over the internet you need to distribute this to your friends. Any other way will be wayyy to disorganized, so PM me your friend codes and I will put them this first post. This is not inconvienent. Just click the thread name and scroll down. Pretty simple, then you can go see the last post.
PM THE FRIEND CODES don't waste a post here.
This thread also can be used to get to know our members better. "Where do you live?" "Outside of video games what do you like to do?" Things like that.
Now here are the friend codes collected thus far:
- jimmydude: 004355 698036
- nuck44: 017239 913619
- Link2025: 038714 170286
- yigisina: 463917 302184
- LilBBallPro619: 004355 352154
That's all of them! PM me the friend codes! Go play! Talk, whatever!
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