Welcome to the Bomber's Notebook version of our Hurt/Heal game! This game deals with the different characters one can help in Majora's Mask and are listed in the Bomber's Notebook. Here are the rules...
Each day, you get one turn. With that turn you can --
- Heal one character. Hurt a different character.
- Heal one character. Heal a different character.
- Hurt one character. Hurt a different character.
- Hurt one character x2.
- Heal one character x2.
Each character can have a maximum of 150hp.
Once a character's HP reaches zero, that character is eliminated and cannot be revived.
Regular damage is 3, double damage is 6
Regular healing is 2, double healing is 4
Defeated characters will be indicated in red.
Please keep discussion to a minimum.
.:: Official Scoreboard::.
- Bombers- 38hp
- Anju- 99hp
- Kafei- 77hp
- Man from the Curiosity Shop- 22hp
- Old Lady from the Bomb Shop- 97hp
- Romani- 101hp
- Cremia- 91hp
- Mayor Dotour- 94hp
- Madame Aroma- 88hp
- Toto- 94hp
- Gorman- 88hp
- Postman- 101hp
- Rosa Sisters- 94hp
- Hand in Toilet- 107hp
- Anju's Grandmother- 100hp
- Kamaro- 86hp
- Grog- 85hp
- Gorman Brothers- 52hp
- Shiro- 85hp
- Guru Guru- 91hp
This post shall be updated with the various votes.
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