It's very simple, answer the following questions I'm about to give you and match them up at the end. The questions will relate to a few of the many Races around Hyrule. If you were to somehow find a portal leading to Hyrule, which Race would suit you best? ;)
Races: Deku, Goron, Kokori. [ There's many more, but I beleive 3 Races sounds reasonable enough...]
Q 1.) One day you decide to take a stroll in Hyrule Field. Suddenly, as if from nowhere, an owl swoops by stealing your Lon Lon Milk. Woah, that's not very nice, what are you going to do about it?
A.) Fire a seed. B.) Chuck a rock. Or C.) Use a Bow.
Q 2.) As the owl falls down, he decides to apologize and hands over the Lon Lon Milk he stole from you earlier. Now, how exactly will you punish him?
A.) Drink the Lon Lon Milk and use the Empty Bottle to trap him inside. B.) Roll over him. C.) Plant him in some Soil.
Q 3.) Now that you've punished him, you decide to carry on with your walk around Hyrule Field. As you walk into a cave, suddenly a bunch of Gerudians trap you in a sealed box, there's no escape! Or...Is there?
A.) Curl into a ball and moan. B.) Use an Ocarina of Time to warp yourself out of there. C.) Dig yourself out.
Now, time to receive your results. They may have been some very random questions, but heck, I'm bored. :P
A.), A.), A.): All Around B.), B.), B.): Goron C.), C.), C.): Deku
A.), B.), C.): Kokori A.), C.), B.): Deku
B.), A.), C.): All Around B.), C.), A.) Goron
C.), A.), B.): 100% Kokorian ;) C.), B.), A.) Goron
That's the results, I turned out to be suited as a: Goron. :D
Yes, like I said before, I was rushing through and didn't even get all of the results set. Sorry about that, I plan on making a much more bigger and nicer quiz soon, I'll also add in a bunch more Racers rather than having a mere 3.
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