me too i think they should have more difficulty settings. And i would love that if you raise a difficulty level you can fight hordes of monsters.
Im good at fighting with link, it didnt take me too much to defeat Dark Link in OoT or the final boss in MM.
me too i think they should have more difficulty settings. And i would love that if you raise a difficulty level you can fight hordes of monsters.
Im good at fighting with link, it didnt take me too much to defeat Dark Link in OoT or the final boss in MM.
I do agree that the newer games are easier than they used to be, but fighting large groups of monsters at once just doesn't seem to fit in to the Zelda games. As time progresses we see improvements in the series, but there is a re-occurring structure to The Legend of Zelda games. I still don't see Link fighting an entire horde at once. With that said, I love would love to hear more on your perspective.
[QUOTE="BurningDragoon"]me too i think they should have more difficulty settings. And i would love that if you raise a difficulty level you can fight hordes of monsters.
Im good at fighting with link, it didnt take me too much to defeat Dark Link in OoT or the final boss in MM.
I do agree that the newer games are easier than they used to be, but fighting large groups of monsters at once just doesn't seem to fit in to the Zelda games. As time progresses we see improvements in the series, but there is a re-occurring structure to The Legend of Zelda games. I still don't see Link fighting an entire horde at once. With that said, I love would love to hear more on your perspective.
ok i just made that a fast post. And i have to make this one too, tomorrow i have a test and havent studied (its already 10:30 and im sleepy, had a long day)
Anyway my perspective is that Zelda games have gotten WAY too easy, i dont know if Shigeru Miyamoto still thinks that Zelda games are for kids (thats what he said before making WW). The thing about Difficulty settings is that i would like to fight more enemies, make the game harder, better puzzles, more sidequests, stronger weapons.
And the hordes of enemies would be a good idea since Link is more mature, he fights more and with stronger enemies, i know that it doesnt fit in Zelda games but it isnt a bad idea.
Link has to fight stronger enemies and in order to do that he will have to have better moves, combinations (not combos, dont misjudge) and weapons then everything else would be to your skill with Link.
PS: i would like to see again Dark Links and a lot of them not just one or two. (i love fighting with Link)
I think that different levels of difficulty should be available.
Like, Easy, Normal, Hard, and Hero (very hard)
Well if you think about it there are ways to make Zelda games harder. You're never forced to pick up the extra heart containers when you beat a boss and usually extending your magic meter or upgrading the capacity on certain items is something that's voluntary. If you want to challenge yourself, try going through any Zelda game with only 3 hearts.
[QUOTE="IkeXC07"]I think that different levels of difficulty should be available.
Like, Easy, Normal, Hard, and Hero (very hard)
Well if you think about it there are ways to make Zelda games harder. You're never forced to pick up the extra heart containers when you beat a boss and usually extending your magic meter or upgrading the capacity on certain items is something that's voluntary. If you want to challenge yourself, try going through any Zelda game with only 3 hearts.
That is what I always do second play through
[QUOTE="Link2025"][QUOTE="IkeXC07"]I think that different levels of difficulty should be available.
Like, Easy, Normal, Hard, and Hero (very hard)
Well if you think about it there are ways to make Zelda games harder. You're never forced to pick up the extra heart containers when you beat a boss and usually extending your magic meter or upgrading the capacity on certain items is something that's voluntary. If you want to challenge yourself, try going through any Zelda game with only 3 hearts.
That is what I always do second play through
That does make it harder but, that isn't a replacement for actual difficulty levels.[QUOTE="IkeXC07"]I think that different levels of difficulty should be available.
Like, Easy, Normal, Hard, and Hero (very hard)
Well if you think about it there are ways to make Zelda games harder. You're never forced to pick up the extra heart containers when you beat a boss and usually extending your magic meter or upgrading the capacity on certain items is something that's voluntary. If you want to challenge yourself, try going through any Zelda game with only 3 hearts.
Again this is where the original Zelda should serve as inspiration, that game was hard! You needed every single heart container because as the dungeons went on they got really hard. Towards the end you also need that red potion or else. The game should be hard, you shouldnt have to be creative to make it hard. There should be much less hearts given out when you kill bad guys, bad guys should do much more damage like in the original, like take away 2 hearts with one hit. It was mentioned that hoards of enemies dont fit in Zelda, yes it does, the original was filled with enemies. Rarely was their a screen that had less than 3. Most of the time a screen had 6 or 7 enemies on it at the same time. I miss that, this whole take enemies one at a time thing sucks. After you beat the game there should be a master quest like in the original, it remixes everything and makes the game even harder.dvader654
I agree 100% about the hordes of enemies. I dont like fighting one by one, its almost like a shooting game that u kill one by one (wouldnt that suck).
I just hope that the new Zelda itself doesnt need to have difficulty settings, it just needs to be harder, however a harder second playthrough would be MUCH better. (i want more Dark Links this would make the game really hard if you have to battle many at the same time).
Since this is the Zelda's difficulty thread, i was wondering what additions do you think a Zelda game should have in order to be harder?? I say more enemies and stronger ones with a twist of more challenging puzzles. Now give me your opinions.
EDIT: It would be really nice to have a boss battle riding the horse, they will probably cause its their new addition, they want to exploit it.
I would definitely like to see more difficult puzzles,and better A.I.
After the Nintendo E3 2004 Press Conference, Shigeru Miyamoto told Mr. Aonuma told focus his attention in the realm of puzzle solving for the new Zelda so naturally I think we can expect a harder game. Also, in the N64 Zelda, games when Link had an enemy targeted and had his shield up, even if he was surrounded the other enemies wouldn't attack. If you notice in WW, they changed that and even made it possible for enemies to hit each other. But since WW was on the easy side it should be better for the new Zelda.
The problem with fighting system in the current Zeldas is it is very common to simply hold up your shield and wait for an opening. There is no penalty for holding your shield up. Your shield never breaks nor do you ever receive damage from the impact (just because you're holding a shield doesn't mean you can't feel the force of an attack). Unless you're surrounded, very few strikes ever be able to get around your shield. And the lag time between switching from shield to sword is non-existant. Nintendo needs to find a way to get around this. Tossing in more enemies is a good start but they shouldn't get carried away with it. Having too many enemies adds a feeling of "cheapness". The game doesn't become difficult because the AI is smart, it's difficult because there's just too many of them. This is a short-cut some developers take when it comes to difficulty and is something I hope Nintendo doesn't.
What also can be done is add some sort of durability to Link's shield, until he gets the Mirror Shield, anyway. For most of OoT and TWW, Link was using the normal Hyrulian shield, which doesn't really possess any sort of magical powers. It's a normal shield made with normal metals. As Link battles, his shield should take damage. The durability should decrease and attacks should begin to make stronger impacts. Link flinches more from each attack and may even take slight damage from the tougher enemies. The player now has to focus more on dodging to prevent taking damage. To repair the shield, visit a blacksmith in various towns. I know this idea may make it sound like it came straight out of an MMORPG but I think it'd be a good addition.
Still, even if the idea of durability doesn't seem so hot, I believe impact should make a difference. Enemies, and especially bosses, need to be physically stronger. When they attack, they need to hit harder. Even if Link holds up his shield, he should still be sent flying from the impact. Damage could be taken when he falls and crashes into walls. Once again, this provokes the player to focus more on dodging since the shield can no longer protect you from everything.
And a final thing Nintendo could do is make enemies more aggressive. I notice that there are very, very long delays in their attack pattern. Even if the AI doesn't improve, added rate of attacks could make the game much harder already.
When I played a LttP for the first time, after OoT and MM, I was surprised at how much harder it was, even in the first few dungeons. It was because Link's shield wasn't as effective. He couldn't move his shield around like he could in 3D and it was very easy for attacks to get around the shield because of his limited movement. I don't want the next Zelda to restrict Link's shield by restricting his range but something needs to be added for that extra challenge.
great perspective, i agree with you, but i didnt mean making 20 enemies attack at the same time that wouldnt be good. however you kind of expressed what i wanted to say.
I know a lot of people have been saying that the recent Zelda's have been to easy. So I was wondering what everyones opinion is? I think they should make several difficulty levels.natiko
I do think they've been too easy, but I don't think that's really a problem. Zelda isn't an action game, so the difficulty of fighting isn't the most important thing. The only really thing that I would change is making enemy attacks do more damage. It's still just as hard to hit the enemy, or dodge the enemy, as in the greatest Zelda game, Ocarina of Time. But the enemy attacks in that game do a little more damage overall. I never died when I played through Wind Waker. I died like three times playing Minish Cap. So I do think a little more difficulty wouldn't hurt.
They have been getting easier. All they have to do to solve that problem is to raise the damage enemies inflict on you and to have more enemies in dungeons as a whole. That is what was brilliant about the first Zelda.Saruman1719
Agreed, i want more fighting dynamism just fighting one enemy at a time is boring. I need more excitement.
i think zeldas difficulty vary on how many hearts u have and which enemies are harder than another.KenTa_613
Yeah, all Zelda's become easier as you get more hearts etc. I suppose the method of not collecting all the hearts would increase the difficulty, I recently started a new file in OOT and am now in Dodongo's Cavern with only three hearts, i'm gonna try and keep it up and see how far I can go with only three hearts.
waht was hard is killin all those darknuts in LoZ on nes. in the dungeons where there would be like 7 of them. god that was hard.KenTa_613
That was hard. Before I got a copy of the zelda bonus disc on the gamecube, the last time i played the original was probably over 10 years ago (my NES stopped working long ago). That game was super hard when i was younger, and to my surprise, those areas were still as challenging as i remember them.
multiple difficulty levels would probably attract a large array of gamers who believe that zelda games are just for childrenimbigger99
If they did that they would have to not only make enemies harder to kill, but make the puzzles harder, because they are getting quite easy.
still don't know how in the hell to beat LOZ 2. Really hate that game.tshack5188Its mad hard i gave up and went on to play MM
[QUOTE="tshack5188"]still don't know how in the hell to beat LOZ 2. Really hate that game.Legend_O_DragonIts mad hard i gave up and went on to play MM
All it requires is a little patience. Keep pressing at it and you will soon be a "real hero" like myself. (it's a reference to the game :wink: )
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