We did this last year, so, I figured I'd bring it back to keep the board going. The rules are still the same. Read Below
Elimination - Bowl Winners Edition
Official Rules : You may vote + on one team and - for one team. You may vote twice a day. But it has to be between 2 hours at least. Meaning if you post at 2 pm, you cant post again till 4. Simple right? Have any questions ask.
+ = 1 point
- = 2 points
Example: Auburn +, Georgia -
DO NOT DO THIS : Hurt Georgia x2 or Heal Auburn x2. This is not hurt and heal game this is elimination.
Each team will start with 20 points. The Maximum points a team can reach is 50.
Utah - 20
Florida Atlantic - 20
Cincinatti - 20
NewMexico - 20
BYU - 20
East Carolina - 20
Purdue - 20
Texas - 20
Boston College - 20
TCU - 20
Oregon State - 20
WakeForest - 20
Mississippi State - 20
Penn State - 20
Alabama - 20
California - 20
Fresno State - 20
Oregon - 20
Kentucky - 20
Oklahoma State - 20
Auburn - 20
Tennessee - 20
Missouri - 20
Texas Tech - 20
Michigan - 20
USC - 20
Georgia - 20
West Virginia - 20
Kansas - 20
Rutgers - 20
Tulsa - 20
LSU - 20
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