For those who have played and finished the campaign, what do you think of it?
Personally, I loved it, and the ending too! ;)
For those who have played and finished the campaign, what do you think of it?
Personally, I loved it, and the ending too! ;)
Game of the generation.spookykid143
This, also Stalkers, man thse infected are scary, I played through the sewers again with the part with Sam and they hide behind walls and wait for you to come to them, i was looking for one of them and he was hiding and suddenly shows up and scares me.
Even seeing them come at you scares me, it's the way they sound and animated.
Really well executed game.
The hyperbole that gets thrown at this game is vomit inducing though. jg4xchamp
But teh citizen kane of gaming yo
[QUOTE="jg4xchamp"]Really well executed game.
The hyperbole that gets thrown at this game is vomit inducing though. seanmcloughlin
But teh citizen kane of gaming yo
That one would be infinitely less ridiculous if I at least got the sense that the person using the label actually understood what that label would imply. The innaccuracy is one thing, but to not even know what that film's legacy actually is? It's like when system wars using generic and pretentious and don't know that they are using the word incorrectly.Really well executed game.
The hyperbole that gets thrown at this game is vomit inducing though. jg4xchamp
This, along with the general hyperbole thrown at anything ND dumps out.
I won't deny I'm heavily guilty of this for a certain one of their games, but I don't do it to the extent where I don't know what I'm saying
[QUOTE="jg4xchamp"]Really well executed game.
The hyperbole that gets thrown at this game is vomit inducing though. Blabadon
This, along with the general hyperbole thrown at anything ND dumps out.
I won't deny I'm heavily guilty of this for a certain one of their games, but I don't do it to the extent where I don't know what I'm saying
Exactly in your case you just like a bad game. In their case they say things that require all kinds of mental gymnastics for the narratives of Uncharted 2/3 and Last of Us to actually live up to what is being said.[QUOTE="Blabadon"][QUOTE="jg4xchamp"]Really well executed game.
The hyperbole that gets thrown at this game is vomit inducing though. jg4xchamp
This, along with the general hyperbole thrown at anything ND dumps out.
I won't deny I'm heavily guilty of this for a certain one of their games, but I don't do it to the extent where I don't know what I'm saying
Exactly in your case you just like a bad game. In their case they say things that require all kinds of mental gymnastics for the narratives of Uncharted 2/3 and Last of Us to actually live up to what is being said. Narrative analogies aside (and holy shit, will fanboys eat anything reviewers say sounds fancy to them), the spin that's put on every part of the game, good or bad, is egregious, though nothing new.At least with Uncharted 3, cows (and I really hate bringing up specific factions in PUSH) had a superior prequel and that whole "Naughty Dog B team" bullshit to fall back to. Here, the spin that's put on each and every little wrong thing the game does turns into hyperbole so fast. At least tell me why the issue wasn't an issue to you like jonny does. Instead, we have the usual dickriders who can see ND do no wrong.
Besides the companion a.i. at times I thought it was great.mitu123
The freindly AI got in my way so many times, i didn't find it an issue in the first playthrough and i have no idea why but in the second playthrough it did bother me, and because I was using a headset i hear Ellie run and think it's an enemy lol, the friend AI can easily be fixed if there is a sequel. some of the moments in this game are really good in the fist playthrough but on second and third you just wanna go through them fast just to reach the better parts, this was always an issue with ND games this gen in Uncharted games and now Last Of Us, Crash and Jak didn't have this problem.
There is this feel when an infected is running after you you dont want to look back and just run I really liked that, I'd like to see ND make a survival Horror game, I really recomend playing Last Of Us with a headset, when facing the infected to get the card to access the door there is a bloater and stalkers and holy shit it was scary with that scary sound playing and me aiming the shotgun at the door lol, I also played Siren the other day and the shibito in the hospital damn scary.
Any horror fan should try this game.
[QUOTE="seanmcloughlin"][QUOTE="jg4xchamp"]Really well executed game.
The hyperbole that gets thrown at this game is vomit inducing though. jg4xchamp
But teh citizen kane of gaming yo
That one would be infinitely less ridiculous if I at least got the sense that the person using the label actually understood what that label would imply. The innaccuracy is one thing, but to not even know what that film's legacy actually is? It's like when system wars using generic and pretentious and don't know that they are using the word incorrectly.Yep, if they said something like "A game with the quality of Citizen kane" or something would be more apt for what they're implying. We'd have to go WAY BACK to determine the citizen kane of gaming, if there even was one
Survivor / New Game Plus and trophies are the worst things to happen to TLoU. Only good that came out of them is making you watch the prologue again which'll [spoiler] help you notice a few similarities between the beginning and ending. Joel probably noticed them too. Didn't do much good for his sanity.
Anyways... [/spoiler]
In most second playthroughs, you get to use your previous knowledge (and sometimes equipment) to beat tougher enemies or beat the game under a time limit you don't think is possible among other challenges. If you snuck by the entirety of TLoU on Hard though (and chances are you had to due to how ammo/supply-starved you were), Survivor'll feel almost the exact same to you in terms of difficulty. Sadly, the speed at which you go through it is also the same because, unless you want to give yourself a hard time in forced combat segments, you have to re-explore every nook and cranny you searched on your first playthrough for supplies. That gets boring quick.
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