Just like the title and my profile page says: Resident Evil IS making a new movie, and I'm NOT referring to Degeneration. I clicked http://www.imdb.com/ and searched Resident Evil in the search box, and all the possible titles showed up including Resident Evil 4 (2010), which means they ARE in the works to make another Resident Evil live-action movie that isn't the CG Degeneration movie that is scheduled for later this year. It seems that Alice is going to go after Wesker and the rest of Umbrella with her gendic clones just like she said when she left a wide opening for a 4th movie. She's bringing a couple of her friends, or should I say a few HUNDRED of her closest friends? This is good sign that Resident Evil continues to grow and not die. I mean they're making 2 movies (Degeneration, and Resident Evil 4) an HD game (Resident Evil 5), and of course the Umbrella Chronicles that was released for the Wii system back in Novemeber. So it looks like Resident Evil is not fading, when in fact it's growing. I hope it becomes like the second Super Mario Brothers, where it was released for the first time over 25 years ago, and it continues to this year to make new releases. I hope Resident Evil can survive that long. They've survived 12 years so far, and it looks like they're going on longer and longer.
Any information or updates you want, then use this website link to get you there: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1220634/
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