Thanks man, I never like to paint faces.... that's why all my SM have helmets :P Well I'll try to explain because I more or less always improvise, but I'll try.
This is just for the face.
1st (white prime spray) basecoat dark flesh, with drybrush but with pretty much water.
2nd dwarf flesh, all over the face with any brush... again water it down.
3rd a little vomit brown mixed with devlan mud(wash) and allot of water, put down a heavy "wash" on the face, it doesn't matter if you can't see the face because of the wash it will be good when it dries... make sure to get rid of all bubbles in the wash before you let it dry.
4th when the wash is dry start by painting dwarf flesh on the whole face except in the resesses(all the cracks in the face, and deep places like the eye sockets and on the side of the nose).
5th the first highlight will be done with elf flesh mixed with dwarf flesh, the amount you wish to mix is up to your onwn taste... paint for fun :D
6th now apply just a very small highlight of elf flesh on the pointiest areas, like the nose tip and the cheek bones for a more musculare look.
7th the hair and beard, base it with a light color like.... hm, well desert yellow might work think I used shadow gray(always a good 1st base for white) then just work your way up from grey to white with layers until you get a good result.
8th lips and eyes, just paint the lips red gore mixed with tentacle pink(one layer). For the eyes, well that's why I don't usally paint faces :P but just a very small strip of white and then a dot of black.... yes it sounds simple but it's not :cry: the only good advise I have for eyes is paint allot of faces.
Well I don't know if what I said is of any use, but a question deserves an answer.... even if it's not the best :P
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