NOTE: For lack of the guide giving the info readily, I had to do the testing on my own. Some of it I finished. Some of it I was left less than certain about. Some of it I simply didn't get to. Generally HP and MP are the same on a given difficulty setting. So it is a safe bet if HP is one thing, MP is the same. Easy tends to be vanilla 200 with Normal at default (all 100). Power being at 100% is part for the course with Hard and VH taking it to 75% would be the norm, yet CoO seems to have done its own thing. Armor % dropping to 40% is normal for Hard and yet it didn't seem to be so (or I'm not good at testing it) and 20% for VH, yet these are not the percentiles I came up with. Perhaps I blew it. Perhaps the former is just 2.5x damage and the latter 5x damage. GoW1 had 50% Power and 20% Armor on VH. HP and MP dropping to 75% is standard and again to 25% for VH. The units of orbs available in chests was half the norm though. EXP is meant to drop to 75% on VH, but perhaps CoO didn't do this. Don't know for sure if I tested this. Again, GoW1 didn't meddle beyond Armor and Power, GoWII set a new trend and CoO may have done its own thing. GoWIII and GoS fell in line with GoWII.
NOTE2: It is possible that Easy also makes spell cost 25% cheaper as all GoW games do at least this much. GoWII set the precedent for altering foe aggression/recovery notably and CoO seems to follow in that regard.
Power: 200%
Armor: 200%
HP: 200% *chest worth: 400?*
MP: 200 *?*
EXP: 200%
NOTE: doubles "CS" kill EXP worth?
Recovery: 7 seconds? *approx*
Power: 100%
Armor: 100%
HP: 100% *chest worth: 200?*
MP: 100%
EXP: 100%
Recovery: 5 seconds? *approx*
Power: 100%
Armor: 62.5%???
HP: 75%? *chest worth: 150?*
MP: 75?*?*
EXP: 100%?
Recovery: 3 seconds? *approx*
Very Hard/God
Power: 62.5%?
Armor: 31.25%???
HP: 25%? *chest worth: 50?*
MP: 25? *?*
EXP: 100%?
Recovery: 1 second? *approx*
[spoiler] Kratos
Power: 100%
Armor: 100%
HP: 100%
MP: 100%
EXP: 100%
Spud of War
Power: 100%
Armor: 400%
HP: 200%?
MP: Infinite
EXP: 100%
GMG NOTE: SRSLY...WTF..why is this costume so powerful?
Power: 400%
Armor: 50%?
HP: 50%?
MP: ?
EXP: 100%
Mime of War
Power: 100%
Armor: 100%
HP: 200%?
MP: ?
EXP: 400%
Bonus - Invisible weapons
NOTE: My guess is that whatever percentile gets use for a setting, gets used across the board. So Easy will likely be all 200% stats. Turns out this isn't correct.
NOTE2: I'm quite sure spells are effected by difficulties and perhaps costumes whereas they are not in GoW1/GoWII. Whether the cost is ever effected or not is not known. Indeed this is true.
Ex: On Easy with "McKratos", you have neither 400 nor 200% Attack power. Instead you have 600%. Your spells are 6 times stronger then usual like this. So a lvl3 Light of Dawn 'bolt' that (on Normal with "Kratos) would do 20 damage for 10MP, instead does 120 damage. On God, it would do about 6.25 for that cost...super weak sauce. [/spoiler]
Blades of Chaos [spoiler]
NOTE: I've yet to test multi-hit specials like CoC as they are frustrating. I've onl tested lvl1, lvl2 and lvl5 thus far. The modifiers are educated guesses.
lvl1 - 1.0 lvl2 - 1.5? lvl3 - 2.0? lvl4 - 2.5? lvl5 - 3.0 (6?)
s1 = 2,3,4,5,6
s2 = 2,3,4,5,6
s3 = 4,6,8,10,12
s4 = 2/2,3/3,4/4,5/5,6/6
s5 = 2/2,3/3,4/4,5/5,6/6
t1 = 3/3,4.5/4.5,6/6,7.5/7.5,9/9
Valor = 8,12,16,20,24
Plume = 6,9,12,15,18
Spirit = 2/12,4/18,6/24,8/30,10/36
Ascension = 2,3,4,5,6
(air) s1 = 2,3,4,5,6
(air)s2 = 2,3,4,5,6
(air)s3 = 4,6,8,10,12
-Stronger than usual
(air) t1 = 2/2,3/3,4/4,5/5,6/6
-Quick t1 should apply after s1, but I forget if it worked after an evade.
Orion's Harpoon = variable
Air grab = variable
NOTE: quick t1 to T is now just X to T (Ex: s,t,T = s,T Ex2: roll to t,T = roll to T)
*lvl2* L1+s (10 hits?) Cyclone of Chaos each -,?,?,?,?
(air) (9 hits?) Cyclone of Chaos each -,?,?,?,?
*lvl3* t2 -/-,-/-,5/5.5,7.5/7.5,10/10
*lvl3* S Hyperion Might -,-,8,10,12
-Not worth a damn for lack of power, helpful hit property (even a stun), etc. Demo version was better.
*lvl4* L1+o (13 hits?) Rampage of the Furies each -,-,-,?,?
*lvl4* (air) (10 hits?) Rampage of the Furies each -,-,-,?,?
*lvl4* (evading) S Hermes Rush -,-,-,10,12
*lvl4* (evading) T Hermes Rise -/-,-/-,-/-,2.25/2.25,3/3
*lvl5* L1+t ( hits?) Tartarus Rage -/-/-,-/-/-,-/-/-,-/-/-,6/6/18
*lvl5* (air) ( hits?) Tartarus Rage ......
-Both versions are pretty damn good this time. The ground version especially thanks to stuns being brokenly good in CoO.
Guantlet of Zeus [spoiler]
NOTE: As of right now, I've only tested lvl3 and can't be sure about the modifier, but I believe it will be 2.0 at lvl3.
NOTE2: All charged hits break armor where the Blades need to land t0/t3 if anything works in this outing *I don't remember*.
lvl1 - 1.0 lvl2 - 1.5? lvl3 - 2.0?
s1 = ?,?,20 charge *multiply by 1.5* = ?,?,30
s2 = ?,?,30 charge = ?,?,45
s3 = ?,?,50 charge = ?,?,75
(launcher) t = ?,?,40 charge = ?,?,60
(air) s = ?,?,20 charge ?,?,30
-Air knockback?
(air) t = ?,?,20 charge ?,?,30
*lvl2* L1+s Olympic Strike -,?,40 overcharge *multiply by 2.5* -,?,100
NOTE: It's possible that lvl2 only gets a 1.5 multiplier
*lvl2* (air) Olympic Strike -/-,?/?,10/60 charge -/-,?/?,15/90
NOTE: One hit while falling, another upon impact
*lvl2* (evading) S Hermes Cross -,?,20
*lvl2* (evading) T Hermes Revenge -,?,12
*lvl3* L1+o Lightning Run
*lvl3* (Running) s (5 hits) Lightning Thrash -/-/-/-/-,-/-/-/-/-,?/?/?/?/?
*lvl3* (Running) t Lightning Surge -,-,30
*lvl3* (air) L1+o (5 hits) Lightning Thrash -/-/-/-/-,-/-/-/-/-,?/?/?/?/?
*lvl3* L1+t Olympic Thunder -,-,50 charge -,-,75
*lvl3* (air) Olympic Thunder -,-,50 charge -,-,75
NOTE: All spells in CoO are subject to Power %.
Efreet [spoiler]lvl1
Cost: 20
Damage: 20
Cost: 30
Damage: 45/20
Cost: 40
Damage: 50/30/55
NOTE: The first value is the intial hit, the second value might be multiple (possilby all) hits land *but they push targets away* and the third value it the blast. Simple AoE spell gaining mashing. Pity it sends foes away, the mash stinks and the magic system is tied to Power %.
[/spoiler] Light of Dawn [spoiler]lvl1
Cost: 10
Damage: 10
Cost: 10
Damage: 15
Cost: 10 (20 if charged)
Damage: 20 (50 is charged)
NOTE: The blast from lvl2 and lvl3 can hit multiple targets to extend the value, but it rarely seemed likely to happen. There are no i-frames on the draw, but it grants super armor and freezes the combo meter. A decent cancel if I recall right. lvl3's charged case can be used for as low as 10MP to get a better value out of it as with CWB for TB in GoWII and charged bolts with Zf in GoW1. I don't believe foes block (nevermind deflect) these. Again, Power % rules the day so they suffer considerably where they could have been decent. Charged hits might gain knockback, but without ring-outs or knockback collisions, it doesn't matter much. I don't believe the regular hits fully stun (can't recall).
[/spoiler] Charon's Wrath [spoiler]lvl1
Cost: 33
Damage: 45
Cost: 33
Damage: 75
Cost: 33
Damage: 110
NOTE: At lvl1 you cannot 'stack' the effect on a single target (which is to say you cannot cast the effect on it again as it is already burning whereas at lvl2 you can do it twice and at lvl3 it can be done thrice).
NOTE2: If 'false casted' (done too far away) it doesn't cost anything...very forgiving in that respect
NOTE3: Foes that come into contact with the primary target (focus/source *10 hits*) catch fire as well so long as the fire is still active (eve while it is doing its dying animation). In such a case the 'secondary targets' take 3 hits each. It's possible that their fire can spread back to the primary for an extra 3 hits (13 total)...not sure. OBVIOUSLY this helps its already superior cost/damage ratio.
NOTE4: It auto-breaks the armor of a primary target. Not sure about secondary.
Sun Shield [spoiler]
NOTE: I haven't yet tested this extensively.
*lvl1* (parry) Helios Reverse
NOTE: Leech EXP orbs, stun on all nearby foes and each stun counts as a hit
*lvl1 w/ Primordial Fire* (parry) Helios Reflect ?/?/?/?/25+
NOTE: Does stats effect this? What about weapon level? Sun Shield level?
NOTE2: It has splash like Light of Dawn
*lvl2* (Blade Parry) s Helios Flash ?/?/?/?/30?
*lvl2* (Blade Parry) t Helios Offensive ?/?/?/?/18-20?
*lvl2* (After Blade Flash/Offensive) S 'Helios Might' ?/?/?/?/10-12?
*lvl2* (Gauntlet Parry) s Helios Flash ?/?/?/?/20?
*lvl2* (Gauntlet Parry) t Helios Offensive ?/?/?/?/10?
[/spoiler] Triton's Lance [spoiler]Replacement for Poseidon's Trident. Merely for swimming. No underwater grabs post-GoW1. No known swim glitch in this outing from what I recall.
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