Zeus - You could have just Spirit whored instead of Valor >___>. It's much more powerful, and it has better range. You can get him in a stun lock with DR (L1+T) if you time it correctly. Starting the lock isn't too hard. Keep your distance, pull out TB, and use DR. You should be able to get him. If not, try again.
You can keep your distance with DR, that is one great advantage that that move gives. Though if you want things to go quicker, get up-close to him, and get him in a DR lock. When you use DR, the sword actually can hit for extra damage, which is why if you are close to him, the sword will deal him damage along with the laser.
Wave 1 - They aren't Skeletons. They're Cursed Legionnaires. Skeletons are known as Cursed Remains in this game (they first appear near the entrance to the Temple of Euryale). Instead of using AQ to get collisions, you could have used OH's on the Legionnaires (takes a little bit of skill to get the OH's to hit the Juggernauts, work on it, it will benefit you in the future), or you could have used the Legionnaire grab (specifically the S throw, though the X throw can also be used if the Juggernauts are in your face like they are at times). I would not recommend using magic in this wave, since it is actually easier to use OH's, rather than hope for AQ to hit them into the Juggernauts.
Another reason I recommend using OH's and throws, is that they deal actual collision damage (50 on Titan with the Kratos costume). Whereas AQ, if it caused a collision, would cause what we call a knockback collision. That deals 25 damage. Clearly OH/throw collisions are better. You could always use the (in)famous Hammer+Rage combo. Combined with tricking, it makes short work of the Juggernauts.
Wave 3 - This wave can be a pain if you don't use the fleece properly. I don't think you knew of the false grab effect on Gorgons.
Basically, you grab a gorgon, Kratos will get repelled, and it will respond by using its Stare (Gorgon-Green), Flash (Gorgon Assasin-Blue), or Blasts (Gorgon Queen-Red). You face Gorgon Queens in this wave, so their Blasts can be a little hard to reverse. Though with enough practice, you should be able to get the hang of it. Once you reverse it, nearly every, if not every, enemy will be stoned. You should always target he Sirens first. They are pesky annoyances, and easier to deal with.
Wave 5 - You could use AQ here, though you could always try for Satyr OH's as well. Or even Valor (takes skill and guts to pull off due to the inherent danger of this wave). They all deal knockback collision damage, so it's your choice. I recommend the last two though.
Another method would be to stay behind a barrier, and spam L1+T attacks from the Hammer. Or you could even use EH, though you'd probably waste it all on one enemy seeing as they all have good resistance, never mind the fact that there could be other enemies close to you. Once you are down to only the minotaurs, it would be easier to use the false grab approach, or even barrier abuse.
The false grab approach involves grabbing the fool (Kratos again gets repelled; basically, any enemy that gets an 'O' above its head can be false grabbed when the 'O' is not present). The minotaur will always respond by using a downward stab of sorts, followed by an anti-clockwise (towards its left) swing. You trick the first stab, then move around it in an anti-clockwise direction and attack it with plume (whiff/miss the first s attack at least). Since my explanation might be hard to understand (don't rub it in >__>), MT should be able to provide a video where the false grab approach is shown.
Though Hammer+Rage works well enough. I don't recommend it for the Satyrs though. Just launch them and OH or air grab them if you want them out of the picture.
Wave 7 - This wave is generally the easiest of the major waves (1, 3, 5, 7). There are enemies that are generous with HP orbs (this should not matter much for you now), they are huge targets, and grabbeable sentries (not Guardians; Guardians are of the false-grab/dizzy type) are around for collision damage if done correctly.
You do not need extraordinary amounts of skill to pull off some of the tactics we use. Just practice enough, and you should be able to pull if off. srsly.
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