What about you?
Greed only.lvlUNE3B
I woud have to agree with this guy because greed starts many things in this world that shouldn't be hapening
world war 1 and 2- germany wanted to control most if not all of europe
war on terrorism- bush wants their oil
im goin with greed DeltaCommando07
Not to get into politics nor religion, but why doesn't the eastern and western parts of the world like each other that much? - The differences in religion.
World War 2 - I vaguely remember something with a lot of peple getting killed because they were a part of a certan religion...
I agree, some wars have nothing to do with religion, but think hard, and you will see that around 90% of all wars are related to religion in one way or another.
[QUOTE="DeltaCommando07"]world war 1 and 2- germany wanted to control most if not all of europe
war on terrorism- bush wants their oil
im goin with greed t-roland
Not to get into politics nor religion, but why doesn't the eastern and western parts of the world like each other that much? - The differences in religion.
World War 2 - I vaguely remember something with a lot of peple getting killed because they were a part of a certan religion...
I agree, some wars have nothing to do with religion, but think hard, and you will see that around 90% of all wars are related to religion in one way or another.
nah those religions are nearly identical, the only differnce is that people in the middle-east take their religion more seriously...
[QUOTE="t-roland"][QUOTE="DeltaCommando07"]world war 1 and 2- germany wanted to control most if not all of europe
war on terrorism- bush wants their oil
im goin with greed Steingrimur
Not to get into politics nor religion, but why doesn't the eastern and western parts of the world like each other that much? - The differences in religion.
World War 2 - I vaguely remember something with a lot of peple getting killed because they were a part of a certan religion...
I agree, some wars have nothing to do with religion, but think hard, and you will see that around 90% of all wars are related to religion in one way or another.
nah those religions are nearly identical, the only differnce is that people in the middle-east take their religion more seriously...
That is very true. In fact, Islam and Christianity differenciate on a couple of key issues, but if you compare the two, there is a lot of things in both that seems identical.
(But with that war-horny G. Bush running the US, no wonder a war started...)
I'm not sure whether the religion theory is correct. There are many people on the evolution side of the fence who are overly-hardcore about what they believe, as well as those on the religious side. Personally, I'm a Christian, but there are bits and pieces from all over the place that tie-in to my beliefs. There are some bits of Christianity (Catholicism, to be more accurate) that I don't believe, and some bits of evolution/other beliefs that I do believe in. However, the majority of my beliefs are Christian ones.
That's not the point though. It's best to be accepting of other people's beliefs, no matter what they are. I don't mind those that believe in evolution, nothing, Islam, Shintoism, Judaism, Hinduism, Buddhism, etc. etc. etc, provided they are respectful of what other people believe (which is why Marilyn Manson is a ****). I'm willing to hear other people's beliefs without wanting to convert them (unless they insult my beliefs, then I go into full-on priest riot act). I'm Catholic, but I know I've celebrated the occasional Bar Mitzvah in my time . . .
So, in short, I don't appreciate someone who says the world would be better without religion, because that person clearly doesn't respect what other people believe.
On-topic - I suppose this is really solved by the world being rid of "Greed" but the world would be better without money. Think about it: without any form of currency, there'd be no bank robbery, no homeless people, no starving third-world countries because food and water would be free. Everything would be solved if everyone was equal.
Although we have to have jobs, don't we? How about this - everyone goes to work 2 days a week. It's best to only work 2 days in a week, because after the first day at work, what's tomorrow? The Last Day! Wooo!
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