Sorry we weren't around to help you through it mate. Sometimes this place is desserted. Guess it was just a time difference thing.
Now forgive me if this sounds harsh but I will point out what youare doing wrong.
Wave 1: EH+AQ no no no.Petrify if you must, shatter with the BH, T,T for the first, MotK for the second. I see Gorgon Rage as a justifiable expenditure to quickly devastate the double juggernaut spawn. I'd even go that route on a GK MAX run
My preferred tactic on Titan Mode (General Kratos regular Titan) is to launch the CL with the SoD (quicker than the AB launch) and take the Juggernauts out with collisions with Orions Harpoon.
You really want to get the hang of weapon switch to roll, once you do so the BH becomes even more tasty. Its not difficult, I do it as a matter of course no matter which sub weapon i am using.
MAX BH pwns so very hard, taking the CL out with it probably wasn't a problem for you.
Wave 2: Is regardless of tactics a no count. Fleece to grab to square is about it.
Wave 3: What you want to do in this wave is try and grab theGorgons, it won't work, this is termed a FALSE GRAB, doing so provokes their floaty orb freeze attack. Fleece reverse this then shatter. Shatter Sirens first as the energy well attack will mess you up in a hurry. Keeping at least one Gorgon alive to the end makes everyone else easier to kill.
You can get cocky in this wave, Icarus Ascension and air grab the Sirens, abusing the I frames to laugh off the freeze attacks, Cycle Cancel to negate the freeze if essential, save that for later runs.
Wave 4: see wave 2
Wave 5: To me this is the most difficult wave. The other guys here are probably sick of hearing me go on about this but THIS wave is the reason you should MAX both TB and EH before the Endurance Run. This expensive but worthwhile magic combo excels against groups of strong statues e.g HM and Satyrs.
Petrify and shatter was a wise ploy for your current settings, I can't fault that.
I notice you have not mentioned using RotT at all. Or have you? It would have been a nice way to despatch one of the Satyrs, RotT + Hammertime. Faoiling that separate the two satyrs, using the barriers and just abuse the "anytime grabbability" of satyrs.
I see from what you have written you have not yet learnt the joy of collision damage. Good. I can't wait until you do, it will blow your mind how potent they are, especially as GK.
Wave 6: you missed out but it is another no count, same as wave 2 really.
Wave 7: Generally correct but I must utter a cry of disbelief at Crushing Defeat?! SRSLY, DUDE? DUDE, SRSLY? the spinning move? and soul summon to wear enemies down? are you aware of how little damage those souls do? I can think of only two uses for those souls, this isn't one of them.
Can I ask how many AQ it took to wore the Cyclopii, I could work it out but doing so ain't my style?
My point is this, wouldn't spending 50MP for one GR have been more efficient, stoning and allowing you to shatter both major foes, going RotT and opening the magic chest would have given you enough MP for a GF. This would have been the end of any opponents with unblockable attacks meaning the Endurance Run is as good as over.
Don't take any of this the wrong way, big up nuff respect.
You have done well, clearly you have skills but you still have much to learn.
Have a little patience, stick with us and we will see you through the CotT and a NUR. Possibly more, who knows, there are more challenging runs than that.
Speakling of which I really ought to go play some GoWII. Oddly enough I talk the fight much better than I am fighting it present.
Congrats, Mr Crippler, no doubt Zeus will have fallen to your hands by the time I have finished composing this tl:dr
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