Crippler MAH BOI, you gave us a long introl with qualifiers and talk of quitting and no tactics? What manner of joke is this? Perhaps you've forgotten how we work here.
There are a variety of reasons why Skorpius is a piece of **** by design. The list goes on and on.
That noted, let's establish a few things:
-What are your upgrades at this point?
-What are your extensions at this point?
-What are your tactics (S1P1, S1P2, S2P1, S2P2, S3) per give stage/phase? I imagine you've not quite made it to Stage 1 Phase 2 *removing a piece of the mandible* with the face beatdown.
(Shinobier) You should know better than to try and emulate skill as if that was a tactic.
(Gent) You recall him by that name?
-One approach is to go after all one side, then the other.
-An alternative being to weaken all sides to red before breaking any
-My specific preference is to break the middle leg of either side before getting its neighbors to red
NOTE: This due to an 'exploit' of sorts
-An uncovered leg (like the very back legs that are sometimes difficult to reach) being hit will stun Skorpius when it is struck so long as he is NOT attacking already
Ex: After tail slam, he follows up with birthing. If you close the distance and strike an uncovered leg, this will not occur. You can somewhat 'lock' Skorpius with a hit to an uncovered leg and trade off with a covered leg.
-Another exploit is to use Fiery Inferno (charged shot) when a large group of spawns gather near his covered legs as their flailing will damage the leg and the fire keeps them off guard
NOTE: By itself, the damage isn't that great to the legs, but you are free to use attacks with Cestus
-t1 and t2 do not hit the leg. I don't recall about the specials aside from L1+s which some swear by, but I didn't find impressive. "S" is decent if you can land it. air S is less awesome. s1, s2 and s3 are fine. CG (L1+O) is likely worthless, but I haven't tested it for poking like with Onyx Shields.
-There are gents who can talk further about Skorpius' evasion antics in greater detail than I
-Obviously you can use RoS, magic *i-frames*, grabs *i-frames* and outright evade his attacks
NOTE: His grab can pull you out of a grab. Evasion i-frames just don't work on him outside his claw grab 'foul tip'. Foes in GoWIII attack when you are in i-frames and will often catch you as you come out of them. The Camera isn't as good as in the past so you can get caught off guard easily too...thus some exceedingly cheap incidents are possible/probable.
-The claw grab is a bane of these runs. It has retarded range and can pull you out of grabs to waste your time. IF it merely 'tips' you, enormous damage is taken rather than being grabbed. This is utterly rediculous. You can either get used to his range and learn to evade it or stay exceedingly close while being mindful of getting tipped (you would rather be grabbed).
-The tail slam is an annoyance to be sure. You need to get well clear of it. The damn thing makes a sort of wind that will force you and the spawns away/together. It is followed by birthing.
-The double claw clip and the jab moves shouldn't be seen often if you're fighting him right. S2P1's tail stab should also not be seen if you are keeping close during said bit.
-The breath ability only applies as he reappears in S2P1 and it doesn't really deal damage so much as crowd you with spawns.
NOTE: It CAN glitch Kratos into a fall state (even through i-frames) where you will be combo'd to death and not be able to stop it
-RoS only works when you have Cestus selected. Otherwise it will do nothing to Skorpius.
-Spawns are easily taken out with grabs *i-frames*, but you should be careful about this for you can and probably will find yourself getting struck as you come out of it if you aren't paying attention. The HP drop is practically worthless here.
NOTE: Skorpius happens to be a boss without a BOSS REFILL *full HP, MP and Rage*. Isn't that nice?
NOTE2: No checkpoint until the start of S3. There should have been one as you start S2P1 (mandible removed).
-If you fail to beat on the face and/or do the mini-game, the legs regenerate. For S1P2, that means you're back to S1P1 without progress. For S2P2, this means you are back to S2P1 and only need to get 3 more legs taken out to down it again.
-If you get Skorpius to "O", all the spawns on-screen will die
-Spawns can be mocked with Solar Flare/Flash, Fiery Inferno (maybe basic shots too), most attacks...For Cestus, the ideal is to get a good feel for 't,t' (t1 then t2). Learning the shockwave range for each and adapting to crowd control tactics.
NOTE: t1 and t2 may not hit covered legs, but they can hit uncovered legs to keep Skorpius behaved as you take out whatever spawn it may have succeeded in making
NOTE: I wouldn't suggest Hermes Boots for offense here, but learning the findleglide/jet dashing would help for future reference
-As spawns are birthed, they are invincibile and their roll can 'hit' you (no damage). Beware this fact.
-You shouldn't rely on magic or RoS to get through his attacks.
-For the face, it would be GREAT if you could learn to properly fend off Spawn using t,t alone while hitting the face, but you could also apply Solar Flare to blind them (maybe even Fiery Inferno by the face *possibly chipping Skorpius as with the legs*). Whether burning or blinded, they may be easier for you. If you must use RoS, it should be to close the deal in S2P2. You should be able to safely deal with S1P2's face pounding using some item aid and Cestus hits...maybe MP if you botch it up *you shouldn't*.
NOTE: If you can a sufficient amount of spawns, you could regain a decent amount of RoS after S1P2 I suppose
-In S2P1, breaking two legs will FORCE him to retreat. Otherwise, it's somewhat random about this annoying behavior leading to lots of spawns
My suggestion would be:
S1P1 - Kill off spawn. Get to either flank. Beat a center leg until uncovered. Start using it to stun Skorpius and safely attack the other legs (until red). Should you need to deal with spawns and no leg is uncovered, stick close and use t,t and/or Fiery Inferno. If one is uncovered, you should be fine to use t,t which should stun Skoprius and kill his spawns.
NOTE: It really is important you get used to using t,t on spawns without getting hit
Get to the other side. Work the center leg. Get either side to red. Shatter one more and make way to the face.
S1P2 - Use whatever tactics noted above which you find easy while being reasonably efficient (don't resort to your highest power abilities so quickly). Those who get used to managing spawns will guide t,t as needed to hit those all around them while the shockwaves hit Skorpius. You are free to use items aid as noted. You shouldn't need to resort to RoS or MP (Nemean Roar) so quickly, but one or the other is fine I suppose.
S2P1 - He goes under. Lots of spawns. You could perhaps use item aid again (burning/blinding) before t,t rape. Beware getting blown into the thick of the group and DO NOT keep far from Skorpius when he is on all the way on the box. IF you have to, run up to Skorpius flank with unbroken legs *preferably with at least one broken leg and two in the red from prior antics* right away and do battle with t,t to stun Skorpius and kill spawns. Keeping just behind the middle leg should be safe enough aside from him trying for tail slam. That's an attack which you should gain mastery of evading one way or another.
With spawns gone, attack and break two red legs *you should probably know which side has two by a broken leg*. He'll retreat. Repeat the process of getting rid of spawns quickly *don't use Nemean Roar for this unless you are in a relatively safe place and they are bunched up in range of the attack AND you don't feel you'll need all that MP for a face phase*. Break the last leg.
NOTE: As noted before, whether or not he keeps retreating is somewhat a matter of chance for all we know
S2P2 - Face again. If you are doing well with face antics, you shouldn't need MP or RoS. If you are iffy about it and wish not to risk it, proceed to unload either *The latter at full should do it*.
NOTE: Square mashing with RoS is plenty effective
NOTE2: As you grab the face, be READY for the random button DO NOT want to find yourself accidentally messing that up and going back to S2P2 with yourself having to break 3 blue legs...
S3 - Evade his ice crap, do the QTE, ???, PROFIT
~Let's talk shop goes progress?
NOTE: We expect you to be detailed about success/failure and to address our suggestions properly so we know if you are doing them right or what alternatives to offer
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