[QUOTE="curlfro"]i feel so left out, i'm probably have the least skills here :cry: lol j/k t-roland
Haha, no you are not. I played it on easy the first time, then on normal, and now I am working on God mode.
On very first time, I played on Very easy :), then normal and then God mode but I'll stick to normal.
I can only play on God Mode now as the others offer me nothing. I need to at least feel like my enemies have a chance or I'll just watch my friends plow through Easy with Ares Armor *mocking them all the way* Yesterday marked number 13 in God Mode I believe...I've started to loose count on the various modes (I'll start keeping track come GoWII)
~Even the mighty Challenge of the Gods are beggining to faulterÂ
*I gotta have more GoW baby*
I can only play on God Mode now as the others offer me nothing. I need to at least feel like my enemies have a chance or I'll just watch my friends plow through Easy with Ares Armor *mocking them all the way* Yesterday marked number 13 in God Mode I believe...I've started to loose count on the various modes (I'll start keeping track come GoWII)
~Even the mighty Challenge of the Gods are beggining to faulterÂ
*I gotta have more GoW baby*
Bragger! :P
[QUOTE="the-creeper"]I can only play on God Mode now as the others offer me nothing. I need to at least feel like my enemies have a chance or I'll just watch my friends plow through Easy with Ares Armor *mocking them all the way* Yesterday marked number 13 in God Mode I believe...I've started to loose count on the various modes (I'll start keeping track come GoWII)
~Even the mighty Challenge of the Gods are beggining to faulterÂ
*I gotta have more GoW baby*
Bragger! :P
I'm sure you'll learn to love it...after all...it really isn't quite so bad if the person can actually do what they claim amirite?
~Surely you won't chastise me too harshly
Actually yes I do...but it is supposed to be used on college prepartions..I always find time to play whether I have freetime to spend or not.
~Besides..I consider my plays through GoW both fun and educational! *I plan on going into game design so why not study a success story*Â It helps that I love greek mythology and heaps of violence (the raw kind)
So what difficulty fits the rest of you? (those who have yet to answer)
~I think a Ultra Hard setting should be made in GoWII...it would be like this:
God Mode
GodModeGOD *you should have known*
I played is on easy the first time, and then for the second and third, normal.curlfro
Come on curlfro...I'm sure you could beat God Mode if you dedicated yourself to it. Just have patience and refer back to your union when in need of aid.
~You'll enjoy the game much more *I'd think* if you can beat the game at its most savage...that is how you become a finesse player (beating the game in style w/ MIN trouble)
---Have you at least beat the Challenge of the Gods? If not..try God Mode first.
[QUOTE="curlfro"]I played is on easy the first time, and then for the second and third, normal.the-creeper
Common curlfro...I'm sure you could beat God Mode if you dedicated yourself to it. Just have patience and refer back to your union when in need of aid.
~You'll enjoy the game much more *I'd think* if you can beat the game at its most savage...that is how you become a finesse player (beating the game in style w/ MIN trouble)
---Have you at least beat the Challenge of the Gods? If not..try God Mode first.
No, when I play games, I really don't like to be challenged too much. I'm sure I could, but I really get frusterated with games. I've broken three controlers, and almost broke my T.V. (there's a little crack from when I through my controler at it. No, I'm not joking)I guess we each lose our tempers differently..when I'm frustrated I must vent on a living thing or nothing (so often I'm left to growling/cursing..no joke)...I'd prefer having some kid next to me at all times so I could beat them everytime I got mad at a game.
~I value my (and others) property to easily allow myself the pleasure of destroying it so I chose things that can heal w/o money (or some nice calming Rob Zombie/Ozzy music)
I personally would choose Spartan mode. Its right after normal but its not the insane challenge that is God Mode. It provides just enough challenge. It is a good test before embarking on God Mode.
Ares Armor knocks the difficult setting of Spartan to Mortal. I let my friend Myles play on Mortal with Ares Armor..that was interesting.
~God Mode is going to be fun..I'm sure you'll appreciate itÂ
The GoWII team was thinking about adding a more rewarding extra for God Mode completion *one that you couldn't go online to and see just to satisfy your desire*...perhaps a wicked new costume only accessible through God Mode or new settings/modes..or even a new unlockable bonus quest/weapon...I think that would be great....FORCE people to play God Mode if they want this item instead of begging online for the "secret videos"....however Barlog has stated that God Mode concerns are to be an afterthought since the core game is what really matters and if that is off...EVERYTHING else will be aswelll...
~There is also discussion about what you get for loading GoW data (from your memory card) onto GoWII...Barlog said this IS something they want to do *bonuses are nice*
---If the article needs to be put up *though it is a month old* I can put it up (lvlUNE3B...curlfro..would you want that posted here or as News for the Home Page?)
Normal mode is my all times favorite. Sometimes i attempt to play God Mode every once and a while but man its hard. :PgreatfluffyGod mode is pretty hard.. I didn't beat it yet (don't have ps2 or GoW). But still reached rooftops.. `@creeper- I think it's too old to have it. You can make a update which sums up all previous updates about GoW-II. Seperate them like gameplay,story,characters and upcoming events. Ask, Steve if he approve it.
The problem with God mode is that half the time you just spend blocking - which makes the timed sections near impossible.
I played it on Normal for most of the first go-around, then at some point towards the end a really annoying timed puzzle made me switch to Easy. Nowadays I play on Normal or Spartan.
Blocking shouldn't happen very often at all for the more skilled player...unless you consider parrying (Hades' Revenge) the blocking you so despise..Even then an aggressive player with enough knowledge of the games legions/bosses should be able to burst throught the game with next to no actaul blocking *just watch ballofsnow play*
Monday my brother-in-law will be back and I'll "ask" him to get on with his God Mode run..promptly...I am growing impatient for my games return and I strongly desire the opportunity to show each of you my prowess, but I fear that if I don't get it back soon my laptops low free space remainder won't be enough to support ANY length of video.....and that's NO GOOD *Sonic agrees*
About the update:
It's of no consequence to me lvlUNE3B...I'll consider taking it up with Steve..after our game is done.
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