Some rules to follow and here they are.
1) You can make one caption and vote twice for any two captions.
2) There will be a period of 3 days to post your single caption. After that post your vote in the thread.Time period for voting would be 2 days.You can edit your caption before voting.
3) Try to post in least numbers before,during and after any Round.
4) You can't vote for yourself, so vote for others and also write the caption in your vote.
5)In the the ranking system, a winner will get 10 points on each picture and the first person to achieve 100 points will get something big. In case of a draw between two users, 5-5 points will be awarded. Time period would be increased if there is a draw with more than 2 two members. Tied again with more than 2 members will eventually lost 10 points.
6)Be creative and make some funny captions! and avoid abuse language.
7)And make sure that you read TUGOWU rules.
Witty Caption Contest: 29 June 2006 – present
~ V1
~ V2
- Stats:
Round #1: Tyrant-666 (winner)
Round #2: Tyrant-666 (winner)
Round #3: m3ss (winner)
Round #4: Tyrant-666 & Guest_1001 (draw)
Round #5: curlfro (winner)
Round #6: Tyrant-666 & solidusScott (draw)
Round #7: m3ss (winner)
Round #8: m3ss & GodOfWar_1990 (draw)
Round #9: m3ss (winner)
Round #10: Tied (4 members)
Round #11: DevilMayCry85 (winner)
Round #12: GodofWar_1990 (winner)
Round #13: DevilMayCry85 (winner)
Round #14: DevilMayCry85 (winner)
Round #15: curlfro (winner)
Round #16: the-creeper (winner)
Round #17: the-creeper & eternalconundrum (draw)
Round #18: yeareach (winner)
Round #19: Zenodoros & the-creeper (draw)
Round #20: tuff_gong92 & yeareach (draw)
Round #21: the-creeper, Soulxxx and tuff_gong92 (draw no pts)
Round #22: yeareach (winner)
Round #23: solidusScott (winner)
Round #24: DevilMayCry85 (winner)
Round #25: Zenodoros (winner)
Round #26: DevilMayCry85 (winner)
Round #27: the-creeper (winner)
Round #28: DevilMayCry85 (winner)
Round #29: the-creeper, etrnalconundrum and yeareach (draw no pts)
Round #30Â the-creeper (winner)
Round #31Â etrnalconundrum (winner)
Round #32yeareach (winner)
Round #33DevilMayCry85 & Frankazami (draw)
Rank : Name : Points
#1 : DevilMayCry85 : 65pts
#2 : m3ss : 35 pts
#2 : the-creeper : 35pts
#3 : Tyrant-666 : 30pts
#3 : yeareach : 30pts
#4 : curlfro : 20pts
#5 : GodofWar_1990 : 15pts
#5 : solidusScott : 15pts
#5: Zenodoros : 15pts
#6 : 3ternalConundrum : 10pts
#7 : Guest_1001 : 5pts
#7 : tuff_gong92 : 5pts
#7 : Frankazami : 5pts
Total points so far: 280 pts. Awarded 260.
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