Warning contains spoilers!!!!!!!!
Well even though I chose the first one I do have two things that I want to criticise since I am STILL planning on getting a camera...maybe I will ask to get one today. Anyway the first thing was the downward wind gusts that pervented you from flying higher. First off how could downward winds be possible and for that matter that strong to keep a powerful dragon from flying? Secondly it gave me a sort of invisable maze in some sections of the game especially during the destroyer level where some objects on certain ledges could only be collected by a certain path. Also if anyone remembers getting to the top of the destroyer was kind of annoying since the wind gusts were in awkward positions.
The second thing that I want to criticise was the fact that the final boss battle didn't give me the epic feel I was looking for. During my fight with Malefor I remember that I dodged a couple of fireball, attacked him constantly while circleing around him, and watched out for his really powerful breath attack and basically I just repeated. Also I'm not sure you if anyone but me noticed this but the fight reminded me of another final boss battle. Compare the two:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=az6QOfzLOao&feature=related - Malefor battle
Zone of enders 2 - anubis
Also I was kind of dissappointed by the fact that you had to use the normal fury to defeat Malefor while in the other two games you got a convexity breath (which was awsome when we first witnessed it you have to admit) and dark Spyro for the second game. I kind of didn't like the fact that I used the same thing which I used for really tough enemies before.
Please note that this is my opinion only so don't take it for fact and also I am looking at this from different points of view. And also besides those two points the game is entirly awsome and deserves a 9.5 from me.Â
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