Ok while surfing Youtube for new Spyro DOTD clips I came across a few videos that made me laugh my *** off, and i'm hoping they make you guys laugh too, and don't anger you in some hardcore fan way ^^;;
this ones got a buncha random stuff to it I think the begining and ending suck but the middle cracked me up... doom song lol
ok and this one just... idk how to explain it but it's awesome funny imo, and i'm not sure if it's just because the song was play'd with Spyro stuff and now my mind asociates this song with Cynder or if I actually genuanly liked the song... the first 15 seconds suck, but after that it started maken me laugh hardcore, then after a while it get's a tad old, W/E heres the link
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5S_qhDODLEE (totaly put that song and the album it's from onto my ipod XD)
THIS on... the fottage bites it really does just the same old footage, but the SONG... wow laugh-city
oh and this... kinda funny it's the best looking Spyro imitation on the new "Spore" game I ever saw...
and those are it, I found them all entertaining, didn't make any of them, and hope you found them funny too.
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