I voted "Yes" but im not shure about deathmatch and team "Slayer."
The only way i think it would work would be online Co-Op. I think i have said this before, but i just cant picture a bunch of small dragons in a deathmatch. just doesnt seem right.
Anyway, i also want downloadable content. Along with avatars and maby game add-ons shuch as armor and elemental attacks.
Remember the forum topic "Spyro Featured in XBOX official Magazine"? Well, what i didn't say in that forum, was that there was small print on the left side of the article that said who the publisher was, release date, and developer. It also said: "Live/Mulitplayer: YES"
Now, this could mean 1 of 2 things:
1. The new game will have an on-line multiplayer but for some reason, that magazine article is the only place i have heard about it OR:
2. When it sais "Live/Multiplayer", its only reffering to the "Multiplayer" part on your local console network. (Not Online)
Which ever one it is, keep in mind that the article is old, and it was the same place where the writer said spyro could breath "Air"
When I first came to this board I was actully thinking of an awsome online Spyro game of my own design where you could play as a human, dragon, or any other species in the Spyro francise. Each species had their own special powers (humans can use heavy weapons, dragons can fly, etc.). There would have been many class options which changed the stats of the chacter to your prefered type of chacter. Each species would have it's own set of classes. The player can alter the looks of every chacter in every way possible to make them to their liking.
Afterwards the player would pick two starting abilities from a limited list. Each one of the abilities can be leveled up thoughout the game. Stats would be fixed throughout the whole game so that way players can concentrate on leveling up on abilities which would be similar to what we have seen in the legend of Spyro series where you destroy enemies, collect gems and upgrade your ability like that. With each level up the attack grows stronger. There are also support abilities like dodge dash where you can quickly avoid attacks. Each attack you use uses up a bit of your energy/breath meter which of course has to be replenished.
After choosing abilites the player sets two required limits for their chacter so their chacter would have some sort of weakness even though they can become really powerful. I decided on includeing this because I want players to enjoy the game even if they have far lower levels then someone else. This way no one alone can dominate a game with just power. The limits include being weak against certain elements, slower attack speed, and health being depleted from every ability attack.
Afterwards the player begins the game in the home town which has the temple in the center of it. Twilight gleams over the town. The town is used so other players can meet with each other to form party's and go on quests. Players can also meet chacters from the Spyro series which will also give them or join them on quests. The town can also be used to shop for healing items, armor, weapons (for humans and some other species only), and accesories. Their are many towns and twice as many dungeons as their are towns. Note that weapons, armor, and accesories can alter your str., def., etc.
On quests players face many enemies to complete a mission in fast real time action. Think of devil may cry combined with zone of enders 2, combinded with The legend of Spyro dawn of the dragon. At the end of the mission the player and the rest of his party earn a bunch of experience for their abilities and a special item which can be a powerful weapon, armor, accesories, hp and mp powerups (you can't upgrade str, def., etc.), new abilities or a rare transformation powerup.
When you recieve a transformation power up you get to choose another species to turn into. You get to set up the transformation just like in the chacter creation screen. You can only use two transformations though. When you get the first transformation you have to choose a species that differs from the one you are currently using. And when you get the second one you have to choose a species that differs from your original one and the first transformation you choose. This allows the player to experience much more variety in their game. When you can transform you can transform into that form at anytime during gameplay. There would also be a third transformation which you would receive after completeing a really difficult quest. The third transformation has it's own species set (a special armor the chacter wears, half dragon, etc.). These species are very powerful but they could only be used when your hp was critical.
Besides questing you can vs. other players by fighting in an arnea. You can vs. other people by yourself or with a team.
All this talk about online play made me want to write this on this board. I hope you have enjoyed my idea.
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