Well, i just recieved a copy of this months xbox offical magizine. As i was looking through the table of contents, i saw "The Legend of Spyro: Dawn of the Dragon" I immeadetly fliped to the page and read:
"Laugh if you want to, but there's no denying the SPYRO franchise's plase in our industry. Its sold well, and its had some serious star power backing it up, with notables shuch as Elijah Wood, Christina Ricci, Gary Oldman, and Wayne Brady leading their voices to the story of The Little Dragon Tha Could.
The serie's xbox360 debut aslso happens to the third in the trilogy that began on xbox (disconting the earlier five chapters kicked off by developer Insomnaiac), with the Dark Master now free to plunge the world into darkness following the previous edition's cliffhanger ending. Cooperative play and fast action define the latest verttion, with spyro's ability to fly anytime-eliminationg frustrating plummets to your doom - and elemental special powers (earth,air, fire, and water) on tap to dish out maximum pain. Helping you dole out punishment are combo-friendly attacks and the skills to juggle foes in the air, plus all new enimy turned ally Cinder, who's controlled by the AI, or a second player. It all makes the latest SPYRO feel a bit like NINJA GADIDEN LITE... and yes, that a compliment!"
-Ryan McCaffrey, July issue #85 Offical XBOX Magizine, pg. 34
That was the article i read. I was dissapointed in the first 5 words, as apperently xbox feels spyro is a joke. However, it did seem that through out the article, it was all positive feedback. I have one question though:
it said spyro had powers shuch as "(Earth, Air, Fire, and Water)" quoted directly from the article. This is weird because i thought his powers would still be the same as the prevous game (Eternal Night) that were (Ice, earth, fire, and electricity)
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