READ THIS FIRST!!!!!!!: Do NOT start voting untill 06/19/08.
This will hopefully give everyone enough time to get in their screenshot. If you would like to change/poast your screenshot (and you are not an officer) please contact me here or via PM.
-----Please only upload images from the "PS1" series in this forum. I will make a new contest for any spyro PS2/xbox games.
OK, here is how its gonna work:
GS only allows up to 5 pictures to be voted on at once. I will poast the pictures next to the poll, and label each picture "Picture #1, Picture #2, Picture #3, etc." That way, anyone who wishes to join the contest late will be able to. If there are more than 5 total pictures submitted, i will create a new forum, and have a "Picture Tournament"
Please do not vote on the "quality" of the picture, but rather what you feel is the best picture.
Picture #1, Posted by: LittleGreenDog
Picture #2, Posted by Sputnick2006
Picture #3, Posted by SOADjoe19
Picture #4 Posted by NROD86
Picture #5 -----Posted by SOADjoe19
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