This topic is for any ideas on how we can make this a better union. Feel free to share anything you think of, and we will discuss it here.
Now, for the first order of business, I feel we should begin marking all the topics with story related discussion for any Spyro game with a spoiler warning. I began doing so last night, but I stopped. It didn't seem right, unless I had the approval of everyone else.
So what does everyone think? Personally, I did have a couple of things spoiled for me for the Legend of Spyro games, but it's not a big deal. I'm merely taking precautions for those who haven't played all the games, or for any newcomers to the series.
Here's the warning I was thinking of: *SPOILERS*
The reason for making this topic was sparked by a certain decision me and two others came to concerning something else related to this union. It will be revealed in time, and so will the details of what we decided upon.
If you feel this is unnecessary sputnick or anyone else, then feel free to delete this topic.
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