Linkage and whats.
I cranked up some random electronic music and just bloody wrote, which felt great. I've been meaning to incorporate several of the ideas that I have here into a story, and there's more to be added down the line.
-I intended to make the work a sci-fi book in the more c1assic fashion, yet make one that wasn't bogged down with pointless character thinking and badly written exposition in the opening chapter, which they all seem to have. I'd rather start it off with explosions and gunfire. Yet I do feel that the stage could be set a little more carefully here, so I'm interested on comments on the pacing.
-The field = the internet of the future, in the most basic terms. It's physical, controlled by powerful men, and quite a massive force to wield.
I intend to keep this going, but I've only got a very basic plot outline. I'm trying to not steal anyone else's idea outright, but it's really hard, especially in sci-fi.
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