I would like to apologize for not being very active. I know it doesn't mean much as I have barely shown my face here but maybe two occasions, but I do actually enjoy this union and it's the only one I actually visit; I've just been so D***ed busy. I do plan on reading as much as I can and giving feedback, it's just a huge hassle while I am underway [out to sea with a 2 KBps connection] to load through the site and getting to a union. But I have been reading Iloveflash's work, which is very good, especially considering his age [and yes, I am biased to all facts including age]. And I love reading aspired works from those peer or younger than me. Anyhow, I will make my best effort to be more active here and try and give the most feedback possible. Thank you.
I know what you mean. Sometimes I try to come on using the PSP's internet browser, and that alone takes a good couple of minutes. It's also pretty tough trying to keep up with everyone's work. I still don't get how Foolz3h does it! But there's no need to read everything, just whatever appeals to you the most.
I'm glad you're enjoying the story. :D It makes me exceptionally happy to hear that.
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