The Marking Scheme
Content - /3 - How much of the story is told? Is that story interesting? Original?
St.yle- /3 - How well do the words flow? Is there proper grammar? Spelling? Sentence structure?
Impression/Appeal - /3 - How appealing is this story to a reader, would you read it again? Does it leave a good/bad impression?
Staying within the lines - /1 - Did the writer stay within the word limit?
Proper Start - /3 - Did the writer use the required starting sentence? (If modified a lot, give half marks.)
Helios Rietberg's Marks
Content - 1/3 - a slightly confused story, cliche, and not planned very well. The reader is left wondering what "the job" is supposed to mean.
St.yle - 2/3 - Words flow well; grammar is relatively good; no spelling mistakes; however, some sentences are fragmented, and could have been articulated less matter-of-factly. Punctuation is a little incorrect in some cases, but otherwise alright.
Impression/Appeal - 2/3 - cliche story, meant to be action-oriented but turns out to be made up of rather dull descriptions. Even so, the first two paragraphs set the mood well - it makes the reader feel like they themselves are sneaking around, trying to plant a bomb. Despite that, this mood somewhat diminished in the last paragraph.
Staying with the lines - 0/1 - 330 words, 55 over the limit.
Proper Start - 2/3 - Yes, although the sentence was not incorporated into the story very well.
Might have been better if the writer had been able to fuse it naturally with the storyline.
Total: 7/13
Content - 2.5/3 - a very appropriate choice for short story writing, and although not very original, flows smoothly and ties up the story quit well.
St.yle - 1/3 - sentences are sometimes oddly formed for a first-person story. Punctuation is inappropriate at times; otherwise, spelling is fine.
Impression/Appeal - 1/3 - written as if for a comic strip, and does not leave any lasting impression on the reader. Does not call for a re-read.
Staying with the lines - 0.5/1 - 285 words, 10 over the limit.
Proper Start - 3/3 - uses the proper sentence and incorporates it into the story well.
Total: 8/13
Content - 2/3 - pretty good choice of story, very realistic. No obvious loose ends, but not overly interesting.
St.yle - 2.5/3 - words flow well; grammar is good; one or two spelling mistakes; sentences sometimes feel fragmented, although that may be part of the writing st.yle.
Impression/Appeal - 2.5/3 - realistic, with a well-set mood. Almost a replica of real-life situations; leaves a sickened feeling in the reader.
Staying with the lines - 1/1 - 284 words, perfect!
Proper Start - 2/3 - slightly modified to fit the story, but a required sacrifice.
Total: 10/13
Content - 3/3 - good choice of story, fits the task well. Interesting, and packs adequate descriptions of action implied in the setting.
St.yle - 1.5/3 - tenses are abruptly changed throughout the story. Words flow relatively well; no spelling mistakes. Sentences are filled out well, and do not feel too long, nor too fragmented. Punctuation, though, is confusing.
Impression/Appeal - 2.5/3 - a good read, even thought-provoking. Mood is well set, and the series of events is relatively logical.
Staying with the lines - 1/1 - 264 words, nice.
Proper Start - 3/3 - entire sentence used, fits the story very well.
Total: 11/13
Content - 2/3 - realistic as well, and appropriate to fit within the word limit. Relatively
St.yle - 0.5/3 - tenses jumbled at times, and sentences are often fragmented. Punctuation is sometimes inappropriate.
Impression/Appeal - 3/3 - starts out quite mysteriously, and continues to climax, before being resolved. Well worth a second read.
Staying with the lines - 1/1 - 277 words, 2 words over the limit.
Proper Start - 2/3 - although begins with the proper sentence, it was not made to fit the story very well.
Total: 8.5/13
Content - 2/3 - light-hearted, providing an interesting perspective to the reader. However, the story does not resolve.
St.yle - 2/3 - no major mistakes (apart from deliberate "he" and "she" mix-ups). Punctuation is a little strange for British English but probably fine for American English. Real st.yle of writing is a litle bland, though.
Impression/Appeal - 2/3 - does not leave a particularly deep impression on the reader, but is good for a mildly amusing read. A good read for stressed individuals.
Staying with the lines - 1/1 - 277 words, 2 over the limit.
Proper Start - 3/3 - incorporates the sentence into the story very well.
Total: 10/13
Sparky's Marks
Content - 2.5/3 - Not the best story out there, but definitely not the worst. It is somewhat confusing at times as you seem more concerned with the actions than what is actually affected by them. This causes the reader to shift focus. Your first large paragraph is really what hurts you, there is little depth to it other than a fact that the job went wrong. I can honestly say that you could've presented it better.
St.yle - 2/3 - The setup of the story was good, but the execution could have been better. I feel as if you tried to set it up so you were living through it, especially in the first large paragraph. However, it ended up being in some cases a story that belongs in a history book. Nevertheless, the final paragraph where the reader and the main character comes around is beautiful and gives your story some really character.
Impression/Appeal - 2.5/3 - Despite some dull descriptions you leave the reader with a good feeling of the story. The last paragraph is really your saving grace as anything that was really set in place about the story was lost in the first large paragraph. At times it felt as if I was sitting at the water cooler listening to the same story I have heard a dozen times.
Staying with the lines - 0/1 - You are 55 over the limit.
Proper Start - 2.5/3 - Proper start is used. However, if you take it out, it doesn't really change the story one bit and isn't really used as an important piece of the story.
My major issue with this piece was the first large paragraph, had it been told in a less of a 'he did this then this and then this' fashion the entire story would have been a lot better.
Total: 9.5/13
Content - 2/3 - An unexpected story, it is interesting and has a good layout. However, the potential of what this story could have been far exceeds what it currently is. It would have been valuable to present it in a different manor possibly by utilizing a different point of view. The story is good, but there is little progression of character throughout the story. In short, you have a good beginning and end, you just need that middle piece.
St.yle - 1.5/3 - Punctuation occurs in places where it should not, some time confusion. The piece struggles at times to clearly get the point across due to some poor sentence structure. Story would have been much better if you had edited it just a bit more.
Impression/Appeal - 1.5/3 - Sounds as if the story is being told for the thousandth time, there is a sense of fear and anxiety at the beginning, but that is soon lost amidst some poor sentence structure.
Staying with the lines - 0.5/1 - You are 10 words over the limit.
Proper Start - 3/3 - The proper start is utilized and is a pinnacle in the flow of a story.
You had a good story to tell that was creative, however, when it came to telling it you los the readers attention with some serious st.yle issues.
Total: 8.5/13
Content - 2.5/3 - Solid story that has a good outline, but a little more depth would prove to be a huge help to the story. There is little connection that the reader can make to this story in terms of what is actually going on.
St.yle - 3/3 - It is told in a professional manner that makes it easy to follow along the story. It flows beautifully.
Impression/Appeal - 2/3 - It is believable, but not very interesting. The only appealing part is the end of the story, the rest is just so what.
Staying with the lines - 1/1 - You are within the limit.
Proper Start - 3/3 - Proper start is used in full and incorporated into the story.
Total: 11.5/13
Content - 3/3 - The story is good as there is a definite timeline of events that tells the whole story in a clearly well thought format. The story provides the perfect amount of depth for readers to know what is going on without being bogged down with facts.
St.yle - 2.5/3 - The presentation of the story is quite well done and generally keeps the reader at a high pace. It is almost as if you are reading at the pace of the characters' hearts.
Impression/Appeal - 3/3 - A good read to say the least as it entertains the reader and causes further thought into the matter of statistics in war. Definitely a piece that should be read over multiple times.
Staying with the lines - 1/1 - You are within the limit.
Proper Start - 3/3 - Proper start is used in full and is incorporated into the story.
I wouldn't call your story perfect, but as the score says, it is pretty close to it. Your only fault was within the st.yle it was well done, but at times felt as it was not necessary and just thrown in there on top of everything else. Also, I love the title.
Total: 12.5/13
Content - 2/3 - The story requires a bit more work, but the content is nothing to sneeze at.
St.yle - 0.5/3 - The presentation of the story needs work in all major areas.
Impression/Appeal - 2/3 - The reader is like your character; as the story progresses he becomes more aware of what is going on just as the reader is learning more about the situation. It is not a must-read over and over again, but it definitely leaves a positive impression on the reader in terms of the story itself.
Staying with the lines - 1/1 - You are 2 words over the limit.
Proper Start - 2.5/3 - It begins with the proper line, although it is not incredibly essential to the story.
You have a solid story that is ruined with a bad presentation. This story could be an amazing piece if you rework the sentence structure, punctuation, etc.
Total: 8/13
Content - 2.5/3 - An interesting perspective is backed by a somewhat interesting story. It would be beneficial if there was more depth to it, but the story as is stands is good on it's own two fins.
St.yle - 2.5/3 - No major complaints on the writing st.yle however, the reader is left with a feeling that it could've been presented in just a little bit more entertaining/interesting manner.
Impression/Appeal - 2/3 - It is good for an amusing read, but is not something that can be deemed a must-read or should be read multiple times.
Staying with the lines - 1/1 - You are 2 words over the limit.
Proper Start - 3/3 - The proper start is used and is fully incorporated into the story.
Total: 11/13
First place in this contest goes to EndlessGame with a score of 23.5/26
Second place in this contest goes to EtherTwilight with a score of 21.5/26
Third place in this contest goes to Foolz3h with a score of 21/26
The rest of the partcipants in the contest all recieved a score of 16.5/26 and they are irmeleeman5995, Blade_Tr4iner and RzorFX-.
Thank you to everyone who submitted a story. All entries offered an enjoyable read. Congradulations to the winners.
Have a nice day,
Your Judges; Helios and Sparky.
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