Aha, I finally found a use for this thread. Must be the all holiday cheer.
Allright peons, I promised a new feature on Christmas day, so here it is:
HOT TOFFEE (working title)
Starting this Sunday and continuing every week thereafter, a legendary piece of toffee will descend from the heavens, read over all the works posted in the previous week, and label it as either HOT or... not. To appease its wrath, an officer, usually myself, will then declare to the congregation what the Toffee hath decreed. It will also take suggestions.
If you haven't been commenting on any works, now's the time to start. The Hot Toffee (working title) will base its decisions on YOUR comments, so if you have been reading and not commenting, it will not know what to say, and will turn to the Member Portfolios for the answers.
Stop me if he's moving too fast.
Hot pieces will be announced each week in TWL Central, but I'm planning on adding a front page mention too. Some hot pieces may carry over to the next week if they are updated and are still going strong. Now, all the kinks aren't worked out yet, but if a piece goes strong for four weeks long, it may just get an automatic nomination for that month's Hall of Fame vote.
Too much to take in? That's fine, breath it out. Christmas gifts do that sometimes.
Example of Hot Toffee (working title) in action:
- Metal Shadow gets updated with a new chapter. It explodes with positive comments. The Hot Toffee (working title) descends and observes this.
- The following Sunday, the Index in TWL Central is updated, saying "Hot: Metal Shadow" with a link to the piece included and the most positive comment. Thus, writer, critic, and piece all get props simultaneously. In the event that more than one piece is bustling with good comments, the one with more positive comments usually gets this title, but we can have two or more hot pieces as well, and the same goes for comments.
I might make this a bi-weekly or even monthly thing if it turns a bit more uneventful than I thought. Suggestions on this are welcome.
So you now have to comment on the works that you like, instead of just reading it and leaving the author to wonder in obscurity wether there is some internet jerk wandering around the board messing with the polls. Stalin--err, BlindShot--I'm counting on you to help me kick this one off; I'll PM you from time to time when I need a hand.
Happy Holidays all! And December 2011 is NOT our last Christmas.
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